Friday, September 08, 2006


Civilized people?

"I'm not aware of any situation in the world where there is a system of jurisprudence that is recognized by civilized people, where an individual can be tried and convicted without seeing the evidence against him. And I don't think that the United States needs to become the first in that scenario."

-- Brig. Gen. James Walker, U.S. Marine Corps staff judge advocate, in testimony before Congress yesterday

Read all about it.

Read a reasoned call for Congress to grow some balls and rein the president in, from Jurist.

Here, here!

The president and vice president are NOT protecting and defending the Constitution.

Impeach Bush and Cheney Now.

Or tomorrow.

Or the next day.

But soon, for the sake of the country.


I find it incredibly brazen for Bush to accuse the "terrorists" of being like the Nazis.

Bush, who invaded a country unprovoked, as Hitler did to Poland.

Bush, who has abducted people, imprisoned them, probably tortured ("that depends on what your definition of 'torture' is...") them and who is holding them indefinitely without placing charges against them or giving them due process.

Bush, who the majority of the world feels to be a greater threat to world peace than Saddam when he was in power!

For HIM to accuse this thuggish al Qaeda network of anything so grand is blind desparate political maneuvering.
Osama Bin Laden is a wise, a righteous (by his beliefs), and a very very intelligent man, that is not the kind of enemy you ever want to have. He is a puppet master. Many are his puppets. The Bush administration is full of them, and they can't see it. He pulls the strings and they do what he expects. If they/we are the "Great Satan" as he claims, it is because he has helped them/us fulfill their/our own destiny.
Bin Laden is a very smart enemy, thank God and/or Allah that he is not the head of any country with the where-with-all to perform his wishes. We will prevail, but
history will treat him well. What an IRONY.
Ya know, you worded that very carefullyu, Drlobojo, and I agree with you. He may be the most astute enemy this country has faced since ... Crazy Horse.
But some still would condemn you as a traitor -- for your honesty! Because the ones running this country now oppose that above all else, I think.
The traitors will be those trade our way of life for their personal profit and security. I have killed supposedly to protect our constituion. That was my oath and my job at the time.
My security was a secondary concern to me at that time, as it should have been.
Those who now forfiet their security to protect and defend the constitution understand that the most fatal of flaws are to under-estimate the intelligence of you enemy and over-estimate the intelligence of your comanders.
When you do that, you die.

I would put Sitting-Bull just a notch up over Crazy Horse. Maybe Oceola too.
Here's the kicker:

At what point does "defending the country" separate from "defending the constitution"? They are NOT one and the same.

The constitution represents ideas that can survive even if the country takes a hit now and then.

But if the constitution takes a hit, the country starts to become something different, and less, than it was.

Bush & Co. make a lot of noise about "defending the country" -- but if they aim to do so, the constitution be damned, then they are NOT living up to their oaths.
As a Nation the Country is our geography, but the Constitution is our soul.
Defending geography is something even a mouse will do. It is a biological territorial imperative.
Defending a Constitution is defending the essence of what is human above and beyond the territorial imperative.
Speaking of mouse. Mrs. Clinton is looking very good lately. She is holding her little fist just like Bill taught her. She moves it up and down with every word ever so slightly. And the best part she has starting talking I haven't seen her bite her lower lip yet but I'm sure it's coming soon. pat. Last two are always together.
oh, and drlobojo, and E. Redneck are evil evil TRADE...OARS.
I've always thought Hill was hot.
"speaking of a mouse" said: "oh, and drlobojo, and E. Redneck are evil evil..."
Yep, I can be. I know how to tap that part of me. I have been well trained to do so, generally I use a lot of chemicals to keep it under control these days. That's another reason I guess to support universal perscription help.

Now, knowing ER, I don't think he has access to his dark side yet.
My dark side? Maybe just a hint of a charcoal tint, is all.
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