Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Second Level!!!

Um, "thanks" to Drlobo for pointing me to this ...
No change since the last time!


The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Second Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very High
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)High
Level 2 (Lustful)Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Low
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante Inferno Hell Test

Well, it says I'm lustful (true enough), and that I'm heretical (I guess so, if you're gonna be that way about it...). It also says I'm violent, which sort of surprises me.

Then again, I did wrestle a guy to the ground yesterday, for stealing the tip jar out of my favorite coffee shop (more on that on my blog).

Nothing on my greed and/or avarice (I diverged from the test to go see if I qualified to win that Lexus, actually).

And of course, my favorite level of hell was the one recently introduced by The Onion: Corpadverticus, the Realm of Complete Bastards.
No Change ER? Not so, as a journalist type you should know the the Devil is in the details:
Purgatory went from high to very high. Limbo fell from high to moderate. Your Lust remains unchanged at very high. Gluttony has fallen slightly to moderate fom high. Your bad spending habits and avariousness has jumped from very low to low. Wrathfulness and gloom have also increased from low to moderate (typical of Democrates in 2006). Your level of herecy remains very low due to the fact that your over all theology is too simple to enclude heresy. your level of violence is static at the moderate level. Your level of fraud, maliciousness, and outright pandering has jumped from low to moderate in just one year. However you perchance for treachery has remained at an admirable low level. Instead of being "unchanged" you have shifted at least one level in six of the nine catagories.
Dolobo, LOL, you have a lot of time of yer hands!

BTW, I do like the idea of a theology so simple it can't deal with heresy!
OK, so that was a huge waste of time. What silly questions. If that site is to define my place in heaven, hell or in between based on those questions, I'm pretty confident in my place after this life.
Betcha didn't even notice the pun, "..the Devil's in the detail..." :)

ER, yes I do have lots of free time, and I love every friggin minute of it. Actually it was purchased with several decades of underpaid labor, so I guess it is not really free, but rather a delayed payment for services rendered.

Teditor, I take it, didn't like where the questions took him. Actually heaven isn't on their chart.

Way to go RB, but next time remember that the low life might have a knife. Us senior citizen types would have just stuck our walking cane into his spokes.
I didn't mind where the questions took me, doc. Hell, I'm as open as anyone about how I live my life. But some stinkin' Web site wants to ask those questions then judge me, I ain't fer it. I answered all the questions, then realized how stupid I was for doing it. That's all.
Golly Jee Whiz Teditor, now I too feel stupid for bringing the site up. I did wonder however if Lucifer had created this site and adopted this methodology as a way to assist in his search and selection of people to which deamons of temptation should be dispatched. But then I realized, that given my history, my name has been on his list of potential subvertees for a very long time already. Some of you more purer types might be careful though.
Query: Say, RB, have they closed down the "Church of Elvis" in Portland?
I sent a friend by to see it a year or so ago and she said she couldn't find it.
Surpisingly enough....

"The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to Purgatory!"
The Church of Elvis is no more, and exists only in our Hearts, like Mr. Presley himself, I suppose. Stephanie who owned the place finally went bankrupt. Done in by deferred school loans, they say, that would be deferred no more.

One still sees John Elvis around. He's a semi-homeless, urine-stinking freak with a styrofoam guitar who does his acapella best at Elvis tunes.

The last time I went in there, Stephanie shooed us away, complaining that we were in her home (true). But it was also a business that had a sign outside proclaiming that it was open. She was difficult.
RB, thanks.
Stephanie isn't the only element of our culture to be laid low by the greed of bankers and their goberment subsidized "school" loans.
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