Thursday, August 17, 2006


FOTF puts politics over the hungry

From Focus on the Family:

The National Council of Churches (NCC), a liberal voice for mainline denominations, has published a study guide for churches to help end poverty around the world. It’s a noble goal, but some are troubled that principles in the guide are based on a United Nations campaign.

Read all about it.

Horrors! NOT the UN! SO WHAT?

Focus on the Family is no parachurch organization, as it likes to claim. It's a right-wing political organization that claims to promote "righteousness" while ignoring the clear example of Jesus.

It's just a matter of time until Focus on the Family starts cannibalizing itself.

First "liberal," Christians, then "moderate" Christians, then "not-conservative-enough" Christians, then "conservative-but-not-right-wing" Christians -- and finally, it will smear and ridicule people not associated directly with Focus on the Family.

What a crock, and a farce and a disgrace.


And we're surprised at this latest action from FotF?

Who needs to listen to Jesus's messages of taking care of the poor? Instead, open up to the books of LaHaye/Jenkins, to the passage about the AntiChrist coming out of the UN.

No surprise here, Becky.

I am just so appalled by virtually everything FOTF says and does -- and I have such warm feelings for someone I know who is directly involved with the organization, and have prayerful hopes for deliverance therefrom -- that I keep 'em in my sights.

Grrr is right!
And then there's this link, from FOTF:

"I Vote Values
Why it's important to register to vote and why it's essential to take your values to the polling place."

What gall. Twisted values!
I'll go along with the Teacher Gamaliel on this one.
Acts 5:38-39 "Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God."
The FTOF has done good and could do more good. If the hand of man has perverted it to dishonor God the it will fail.
Pointing out its failure to be what it claims to be is a legitiment activity however, for only a fool suffers a fool.
The thought never even crossed my mind. Maybe I don't know how to play this here polly ticks game -- and for that I'm probably glad.

Note: a rare kind word for FOTF!
per autocannibalism: it can't happen quickly enough. blagh.

but first they're gonna have to run through their not at all inconsiderable nest egg; this could take a while, I'm afraid, even if they really are turning more and more people off.
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