Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Far Left? Only to the Far Right!

I pulled this out of my heart and mind this morning in response to an e-mail from an acquaintance who is self-described as "far right."

What some of us have been saying for some time is 1., the "war on terror" is a misnomer; it's crime on a grand scale, with occasional need for traditional military forces, as well as traditional diplomacy; it's also poverty on a grand scale, which also needs to be addressed; it's the kind of tyranny that this country has *always* found hard to oppose; that is, involving some of our strategic allies! -- and it's a lot of things none of us have realized or thought of or imagined yet. To call it a "war" creates false expectations and, quite frankly, is a rhetorical club used by the right to scare people unnecesarrily when people are already scared enough.

And 2., Iraq is the biggest and ongoing strategic blunder of this new way of life that the administration has misnamed the "war on terror." Syria and Iran are licking their chops now for Israel; they are going to attack and the U.S. will go to the aid of its chief ally in the Middle east, which will tear this country apart to a level somewhere between Vietnam and the Civil War; and the U.S. will have to institute the draft because our armed forces are worn out; and the quality of life will go to hell because the economy will stagger under the dual heavy loads of Bush's deficit and uncounted billions as the cost of war.

And history will lay it at the feet of George W. Bush and his neocon sheep, who are more "neo" than "conservative."

And my acquaintance said:

That is ... interesting. True, it is difficult to see someone south of Manhattan thinking that way. I will take more time for comment, later.

Far left, left wing stuff it is. People who think that way should love Cuba and Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Russia, where the average Ruski makes 25 cents per month. Those countries are socialism gone to seed.

More later. Your ... views, give disservice to the men and women who know that we are in a war for the property and soul of the USA.

And I say BS. I've been insulted by an ideologue.

Read George Will's latest column: Law enforcement wins a round in the "war on terror." Will is the last surviving conservative in public life today.


Jabo, I've never properly welcomed you.

Welcome to the Erudite Redneck Roadhouse!
Your "friend" said:
"More later. Your ... views, give disservice to the men and women who know that we are in a war for the property and soul of the USA."

At least he has his priorities correct, first Property and then Soul.

As an ex-Regular Army type with combat and bull-shit military experience in a hot war, I can tell you that you aren't bothering these men and women one little bit. All they want is to come home.

This kind of B.S. statement is that of "social dominator" (aka loud mouth self promoting bully) who really doesn't care a whit about those men and women, but rather wants to shame you and make you feel bad. You see, you have a sense of right and wrong that he doesn't. Therefore it doesn't bother him to use your conscience against you by creating a false guilt, in fact he probably gets a slight trilling feeling while typing it.
We have a lot of these types mouthing off these days, especially on talk radio and Faux news. So these little Hanity/Limbabies feel free now to come out of the woodwork spewing their dittos. Take their names and keep a list. There might have to be some serious first class ass kicking in the not too distant future.
Your comments are only "far left wing" if the "far right wing" no longer stand for law and order, for logic, for compassion, for prudence, or, in short, for classic conservatism.
I thinbk the writer has flipped. I don't really even understand how he got the following out of anything I said!

"People who think that way should love Cuba and Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Russia, where the average Ruski makes 25 cents per month. Those countries are socialism gone to seed."

DO WHAT? I expect that kind of blind leap of illogic from standard-issue righty bloggers, but this fellow is a retired educator for God's sake, with a M.Ed.

Which might expla -- nope. Not gonna say it. He has shown, or feigned, kindness to me in every instance until today.

And to be honest, I don't think he meant to insult me; it could be that he's so hard-wired to the right that he honestly believes that anything less that total, unquestioned adherence to everything that comes out of the Bush administration and the whited sepulcher that is today's Republican-led Congress is "lefty."

Lord help him, if so.
When did the "Far Right" ever stand for that?

I was taught that the far right were fascist and the far left were communist and that they were both totalitarian and had much the same negative attributes as far as a Democracy was concerned.

I have had the priviledge of walking through pools of human blood left by the actions of a represenative of the American Far Right in Oklahoma City. I have experienced what they are truely capable of doing. I don't consider them harmless or any different than the Far Right anywhere else on the globe.

Somehow, ER seems not too far left at all under that kind of criteria.

And it won't be the far left that finally squashes the far right anyway. It will be Mr. & Mrs. Middle of the Road America that finally wake up to what is going on.
Should have oughta prefaced my tirade with this:

DT said:"...if the "far right wing" no longer stand for law and order, for logic, for compassion, for prudence, or, in short, for classic conservatism."

When did the Far Right ever stand for that ....
I don't know that they ever did, but they like to claim conservatism, and conservatism used to stand for that.
Been reading your blog. Just wanted to know what you wanted me to send you when Bush/Cheney/Rumsfield cart you off to the concentration camp (chap stick, change of underwear, Gnostic bible?).

You gotta know I'm turning you in as soon as they post a reward for folks like you. Hey, can I have your books?
The Far right has gone so radical that they have lost their minds. They no longer have a hold on common sense or accountability.

Anytime the failures of this administration are pointed out, they label it "socialist" or "liberal", box it up and hide it out of sight, for fear they might have to think about it.

"You gotta know I'm turning you in as soon as they post a reward for folks like you. Hey, can I have your books?"

You can have my books when you pry my cold, dead eyes off 'em...
Books: fuel for the mind for some, fuel for the fireplace for others.
I don't thinks he really wants the Rednecks books. They have compound sentences and very few pictures, and the type is small too.
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