Thursday, July 27, 2006


Meet Mr. Way-Too-Proud-of-Texas Guy!

Y'all all surely know of Budweiser's "Real Men of Genius" radio ad campaign, now going on seven years.

But if you don't live in Texas, you've probably never heard this one. If you ever *have* lived in Texas, or if you've ever known a typical Texan, you'll LOL. Bird, who is spending the summer in the Houston area, told me about it!

Click here to hear Budweiser's salute to ..

Mr. Way-Too-Proud-of-Texas Guy!

"Yankie wussies ..."


my favorite beer commercial - big, fat guy in a white t-shirt at the super merket. the voice over goes:
"that's right. egg salad, macaroni salad, potato salad. otherwise, no salad."

beer: it's liquid bread!

Give us this day, our daily cereal grains and hops ... :-)
That's a true sentiment about most Texans I've met. World revolves around the Lone Star State, dang sure.

My favorite "Real Men of Genius", I think, I heard for the first time Sunday. Mr. Hot Dog Contest Contestant. I giggled.
[After Pee Wee passes out]
Texan: What's your name?
Pee-wee: I don't remember.
Texan: Where are you from?
Pee-wee: I don't remember.
Texan: Do you remember anything?
Pee-wee: I remember... the Alamo.
[Texans cheer]
Out on I-40 in Western OKC is the Texas Steak House or Road House or some such establishment. Suckers got the Texas Flag flying next to an American Flag at the same hieght.
First I don't cotton to the sight of a a Texas flag over Oklahoma, secondly I sure as hell don't cotton to a Texas Flag flying at the same level as an American Flag.
Now there is a myth that they can do that in Texas, but this ain't Texas. I'm going to conjure a bit on this and then act, gaurantee you.
OK, so it is not improper for a State flag to fly at the same height as an American Flag so long as it is on the left side.
So I guess we will just have to pass an Initiative Petition and ammend our Constitution to ban other States' Flags from being flown in Oklahoma except at football games and on the grounds of the Capitol and Historical Society.
There may be other ways.
I'll conjure some more.
Hmm. Is it really a myth in Texas? I think it's an actual fact.

But you should dang tootin' have that Lone Star flag took down a notch in Oklahoma!
"Hmm. Is it really a myth in Texas? I think it's an actual fact."

It is a fact for every State. Many States however do officially display their flags just a bit lower as a courtesy.

But Texas, well Texas even built their State Capitol Building as an exact replica of the United States Capitol Building. Of course they had to use laundred drug money to do it, but all in all isn't that what is call hutspha (sp?) or maybe ballsey in some quarters?

Ever notice that Texans carry around "empty" bull ball bags in their shiney unsullied 4wd pickemuptrucks? Empty of balls that is.
Haha! I own one of said scrota!

Bought it in Moore, OK, in the '80s before Moore got so all-fired uppity as to think itdself a suburb.

When I worked in Texas, I hung it on my cubical wall and kept pens in it!
I was looking at a statue of Artimis of Ephesis, the Goddess aka as Diana> Her temple was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. She has a few dozen of bull bags hanging off of her chest. (Now that's a real "ball cutter")
Better late than never, greetings mr nativetexan66.

Guess you didn't read all of my posts. All states have the same privalege as Texas, or Texas has no more privalege than any other state, as to how and where their flag is flown with the U.S. flag.

Drug money:
You are aware that the State of Texas basically traded the Texas Panhandle, your home sweet home, to a Brittish Corporate Entity which in turn built the State Capitol as payment for the land? Are you aware that a major portion of that Brittish Corporate Entities capital was aquired from their English Crown granted monopoly on the Chinese opium trade?
Ipsofacto the Texas State Capitol was built with laundered drug money.
So it is 8 feet higher than the U.S. Capitol, how very Texan. Was it planned that way or did they mis-measure? ;)
T66 said:
"The land that is Texas is the only part of the country that the US Govt didn't buy from some country as was Okla in the Louisana purchase or do they teach that there."

Lets see land not bought by the U.S. Government. Yes I was taught that the Government bought the original 13 state but they paid in blood. You might say the traded with the Indians for much of the rest East of the Missippi. But I think that chunks of Colorado and all of Arizona and New Mexico and California, were acquired again by blood in the Mexican American . Oregon and Washington I think we just took from the Brittish. So maybe Texas wasn't the only "unbought" land. We were taught that Texas was pre-stolen land when it was annexed. At least that is what is taught in the schools here.



UNITED STATES. (a) If it is necessary for the state flag and the
flag of the United States to be displayed on the same flagpole or
flagstaff, the United States flag should be above the state flag.
(b) If the state flag and the flag of the United States are
displayed on flagpoles or flagstaffs at the same location:
(1) the flags should be displayed on flagpoles or
flagstaffs of the same height;

One of the primary motivations for annexation was that the Texas government had incurred huge debts $10 million which the United States agreed to assume upon annexation. In 1852, in return for this assumption of debt, a large portion of Texas-claimed territory, now parts of Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Wyoming, was ceded to the Federal Gov. The resolution did include two unique provisions: first, it gave the new state of Texas the right to divide itself into as many as five states with approval of its legislature. Second, Texas did not have to surrender its public lands to the federal government. While Texas did cede all territory outside of its current area to the federal government in 1850, it did not cede any public lands within its current boundaries. This means that generally, the only lands owned by the federal government within Texas have actually been purchased by the government.

could some of you be a little sore that TEXAS sold what later became your state ???
Ha! Hey, I love Texas. Lived there for 10 and half years~!
Does anyone know where I can download a copy of the beer commercial, "that's right. egg salad, macaroni salad, potato salad. otherwise, no salad." I searched all the beer commercials on YouTube and can't find it ...

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