Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Honest confession from ER

(Typos fixed.)

I have a confession to make.

I can't stand this guy, Daddio, at Daddio's Dark Side.

I've tried and tried but I can't. He's the Hezbollah of Blogdom, and I've been one of his Israels several times. We've established a modicum of peace a few times -- but it always blows up.

The first time was a few months back when I dropped this, the Covenant of Openness and Affirmation from my church, in a comment on his blog and told him he needed to read it. It basically says, "We will not stand in the way of homosexuals who are trying to get to Jesus. Y'all come on in."

I still think Daddio needs to read it, judging from an angry statement of intolerance he now has on his blog, which I probably inspired:

(Gay Audience Beware)

Homosexuals and those who support the homosexual agenda are duly warned that if interjected into any post, references to homosexuality will be met with language and argument some may find offensive.

The most recent blow-up was this week, when we, probably to our mutual discomfort, discovered that we are on the same side when it comes to Israel and Hezbollah. We both think it's time to kick ass and take names. Yesterday, out of the blue he hurled BS at me, again -- and when I saw it late last night, I lost my cool -- again.

Last week, he posted a mocking "invitation" to "leftist Christians" to give him money so he could move from his house in a small town out to the country. It was the most appalling thing I've seen from a professing Christian in the blogosphere.

It made a mockery of the Sermon on the Mount and it made a joke of Jesus, the Savior. I still can't imagine what was going through his mind. He has since deleted the post and the angry comments that flew from both of our keyboards over the next few days.

I'd like to be able to maintain peace with Daddio. He's in Arkansas, closer to where I grew up in extreme eastern Oklahoma than where I live now, around Oklahoma City, geographically and culturally. I think he's a chicken-pickin' guitar player, and I am, too. He is a decidedly rural pursuasion, and I am, too.

And, although I'm pretty sure he doubts my confession, we both try to follow Jesus in our own way. Of course, all he has to go on is my profession, and all I have to go on is his profession -- which, let's be honest, is about all any of us have to go on when assessing anyone's "Christianity."

But I can't do it and I don't want to pretend. I think Daddio is crazy as a loon and mean as a snake. I think he's a two-bit country punk who makes up for some major deficiency by beating up people in Blogdom. That's what I think.

But so far, I haven't been able to stay away from his place. I don't know why, because I'm not trying to change his mind, and there's no way he has the rhetorical resources or willingness to utilize real, hard evidence that it takes to change mine. Daddio's place attracts me, nonetheless, something like -- well, it's like intellectual porn or something. Hard to break the habit.

So, this is an ER Confession: I cannot live in peace with the bozo, no matter how hard I try. I don't hate him because I don't hate anyone. In fact, I grit my teeth and strive to love him as Jesus told us to love others. But it's hard.

He laughs it all off. My inability to keep peace with him has actually cost me some sleep. To that end, I consider him a bigger man than I am.


two things, bub:

1) the guy revels in his own ignorance. the gods, themselves, bub....

and 2) never get angry on the internets. i used to get myself pretty worked up when "debating" (a virtual impossibility on the internets), to the point that i'd alienated some people with whom i had established a good rapport. took a while, but i finally got in my head that anger in this format is pointless and non-productive. your righteous indignation is one thing, but you shouldn't let it devolve into anger, and you should never concede to your troll that he has angered you. it gives him some sense of validation for his egregious efforts.

dildio's a bug. a coward. he may have values, but the moral code that implements them is sorely lacking. his abuse of the beatitudes is a prime example of this. his kind (which includes mark and cappy) would gladly sell out every last priciple in defense of ideology.

one way to judge a man is to consider those who commend him. you've assembled a fine circle of friends on your blog, er. dildio? well, he's got cap and mark....

let it go. laugh it off. make the troll your play thing. he doesn't come for discussion, so offer him anything but.



if his life depended on it, i don't think dil could write a paragragh without interjecting one of his meaningless slammers. i take it as a sign of his desperation.
The discomfort this is causing you is a clear sign that you've got some growing to do on this issue. From my perspective on the fringe, I would suggest to you that the growth has to come through breaking the habit of being in contact with him.

You said it yourself, it's like porn. Stay away from it. Don't engage in it. Walk away. Fill your time with other things, other thoughts. For now, stay away from the topics you know will bait him. Don't go to his blog. Lose the link. Go for a walk before going to bed -- wear out your body and your mind.

Get me a raise. Get me a full-time job. Put yourself to good use. (OK, maybe I'm pushing my own agenda with this last paragraph. But I hope it made you laugh! LOL!!! )
Go back and read what you've written as if it was him talking about you. I gotta say for a nice guy you're about as mean and nasty as they come sometimes on your own blog. All anyone has to do is disagree and sign anonymous and you freak out. So, number one don't go off on me for saying this, and two I'm truly trying to help you get over this.
But here's the diff, anon: This guy goes off on people who agree with him. He's a loon. I go off at times on people in the heat of an argukent. I confess.

Trixie: Growing. Absolutely. I confess.

Kev: The guy's got me. That's the whole point of this post. Evil does triumph at times, temporarily at least. I confess.
ER, my friend, Trixie's got a good point. If D.Duddio is your porn, then your debates with such an incredibly ignorant person is your own form of sex without climax. It's damn frustrating.

But you keep hitting the rewind button to play the scene over and over again.

Put the remote down and don't engage anything from him. If he posts on your blog, delete it. I don't care to read his shit, and I reckon nobody else does either.

Stay away from the blogging pervert, then go into the other room, kiss Dr. ER on the mouth and tell her how much you love her. Realize that's what's important, not some butthead who has no life.

And while you've got a sharp wit and a sharp pen (or tongue) and can blast folks, I know you well enough to tell all who come here that your heart is genuine and loving. This buttmuncher is not.

Don't fret, my friend. Rejoice.
Arguing here is pointless. Amazingly, I agree with Kev on this. In truth, argument is even pointless face to face much of the time. People-- you and I --have spent their/our entire lives looking out from behind their/our eyes. No one else knows what we REALLY feel or believe on the inside. It's nice to share what we're willing to share; with wives, significant others, best friends... but the truth is, we walk the paths our feet were set upon at birth... alone. We welcome company, but in the end we're alone. We're born alone. We die alone. Unless we walk with God. But getting back on topic, our arguments rarely... RARELY... alter the personal 'string theories' of another. Especially since we've all spent our lifetimes developing, perfecting, and proofing out own personal string-theories each minute of every day....

My proof for all this lies in each blogs links list. You will always find links to like-minded blogs in the majority. And very few links to opposing ideological viewpoints. Take my blog for instance; yours is the only link that I feel is... not necessarily opposing, but certainly not on the same page with my own. Sometimes, in fact I wonder if we're even in the same book, but I do know this: I enjoy your perspective, even when I disagree. Even when I get beat up.

Having said that, I wouldn't advocate ceasing your visits to Daddio's place. That's like admitting defeat. And here on the internet, the only things that can defeat you are facts-- The veracity of any given statement; does it hold up under close and honest scrutiny?

Sorry to git long-winded on ye!
But that's the whole point of this post: I am defeated.

Great irony, that: The person who drives me most nuts in blogland is probably an e-missary of God.

The message: I got a long ways to go when it comes to livin' peacably among men.
You've also got a long way to go in coming to grips with reality and truth, ER.

I've bent over backwards to find level-ground with you. Each time I do, you have come back to attack me again.

You have agreed with me, yes. And I have acknowlegded the fact that you did so.

I don't even know why I even try anymore with you.

Go ahead. Delete my post. I don't care.

You have really twisted things around in your own mind. I hope one day you will realize I mean you no harm.

Again, for about the fifth time--peace.

BTW, Kev. Anyone who would count you as a friend, I really don't want as one.
The above speaks volumes. It's amazing. I see literally each line in the exact opposite way.

Especially this: "I've bent over backwards to find level-ground with you. Each time I do, you have come back to attack me again."

I think I hurt one of my eyes when I first saw that, they bugged out so far. What a riot. That's a damned lie.

Maybe we're reincarnated souls who killed each other in a duel, or something.

Keep your dishonest peace. You and Hezbollah.
Seriously, living peacefully with another sometimes means staying the hell away from each other. Like, get a divorce already and stop fighting.
(Re: divorce reference. That was from Daddio, not the real-life spouse.)
Words fail me. Tears drown me. I so need you, it turns out, and I love you, brother.

Damn these Internets.
Good god. Grow up. Don't whine so much. So he dislikes you and you dislike him. He's a bully. Don't be a victim. Big deal. Find some real problems, you big baby. Why don't you grow a set and move on.
"You have really twisted things around in your own mind."

aren't you the same asshole who said "i only attack you for the un-godly positions you hold"?

go smoke a turd, liar.

"ER, I applaud your transparency here."

see, er? "....those who commend him".

God good you mean, Anon.

My "set" is on display here.
Hmmm, I actually don't see any whining in this post, nor do I see any "victimhood" claims.

I'm beat. That's all. Despite my best efforts, despite all my strength, I'm vanquished.

That's not victimology, and it ain't whining.

It's ridin' up to Appomattox and turnin' over your sword ... Quanah Parker ridin' into Fort Sill and turning himself in, never to lead his Comanche warriors in Texas again ...
And thanks, KEv.
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