Thursday, July 20, 2006
ell war is hell war is hell war is hell war is hell war is hell war is hell war is hell war is
(Rated PG for language at bottom).
OK. Peace. Jesus is for peace. I'm for peace. War is harmful to flowers and other living things. War sucks, I hear -- and thank God, I've never been there, done that.
Begin rant.
But, apocalyptic nonsense aside, the state of Israel either has a right to exist or not. Zionism's excesses aside, I believe that, yes, it does. And anyone or anything with a right to exist has a right to self defense.
Yep, we're watchin' the fightin' in Lebanon and Gaza closely in the ER household.
Dr. ER says I watch the war news like an acquaintance of ours watches NASCAR races: He just won't shut up reacting to what the drivers do and what the commentators say, and it drives me nuts: Shut up and watch the race, I think.
Myself, I simply loathe the shallowness of the newsies on TV -- even people like Keith Olbermann (sp?) and, oh, the former Fed chairman's wiufe whose name escapes me ... Andrea Mitchell -- so I rant and holler and throw things at the TV.
Not 48 hours into Israel's response, if that long, all the TV graphics talked of PEACE, PEACE, DIPLOMACY, CEASE FIRE. And as late as last night, all the questioning and commentary on TV rested on the same premise: Somebody has to do something to stop Israel now!
Is the United States dragging its feet diplomatically? Horrors! Don't our leaders see what tragedies are befalling those poor people? The shame!
Pony pucks. Sometimes the best way to ensure peace -- real peace, not just the absence of hostilities -- is to kick ass and take names. The eve of destruction was a week ago. Hezbollah went one toke over the line, man, one toke over the line.
I am all for Israel seeking real peace.
I am all for Israel rooting out the terrorists Hezbollah.
I am all for Israel kicking ass and taking names.
Talk of "proportional response" is sophomoric. This isn't tit for tat. It's Sherman marching to the sea -- Union soldiers gunning for the KKK in Mississippi in the 1870s, the Iroquois League destroying every people it can't subsume.
Israel is rightly doing in Lebabon what the United States rightly did in Afghanistan after 9/11 in going after the Taliban even to the point of destroying the government of Afghanistan, which the Taliban had infested. Israel is going after Hezbollah, it looks like, even to the point of destroying the government, such as it is, of Lebanon. More power to them.
May Israel *not,* as the United States did, go off on a tangent.
Damn Iraq! Damn every neocon loon who saw, imagined or fabricated a basis for responding to Osama bin Laden by toppling the tyrant Saddam. It's caused Afghanistan to drag on longer than it would have, and it leaves us too stretched to ... oh, I don't know, rush in with the cavalry if Israel bites off more than it can chew in Lebanon.
Damn neocon's disdain for international relations and suspicion of diplomacy! Bushco. doesn't have the balls to sit down with an eighth-grade bully like Kim Jung Il(sp?) and tell him where to head in at! Joe Biden put it best on Meet the Press last week: We should sit him down like the schoolyard punk he is and tell him exactly what he may and may not and tell him "we will annihilate you" if he keeps on showing his ass. But we won't.
So, I don't have any hopes for American limp-dick diplomacy to get anywhere in the Middle East now.
End rant.
Rant p.s.: I am all for the United States going in to rescue Americans caught up in the war in Lebanon. I am all for We, the People footing the bill. But unless people are over there under the employ of the U.S. government, or otherwise directly connected to U.S. interests, being rescued is more than they should expect. So don't whine about the timing, or the mode of transportation, or anything else.
End rant p.s.
OK. Peace. Jesus is for peace. I'm for peace. War is harmful to flowers and other living things. War sucks, I hear -- and thank God, I've never been there, done that.
Begin rant.
But, apocalyptic nonsense aside, the state of Israel either has a right to exist or not. Zionism's excesses aside, I believe that, yes, it does. And anyone or anything with a right to exist has a right to self defense.
Yep, we're watchin' the fightin' in Lebanon and Gaza closely in the ER household.
Dr. ER says I watch the war news like an acquaintance of ours watches NASCAR races: He just won't shut up reacting to what the drivers do and what the commentators say, and it drives me nuts: Shut up and watch the race, I think.
Myself, I simply loathe the shallowness of the newsies on TV -- even people like Keith Olbermann (sp?) and, oh, the former Fed chairman's wiufe whose name escapes me ... Andrea Mitchell -- so I rant and holler and throw things at the TV.
Not 48 hours into Israel's response, if that long, all the TV graphics talked of PEACE, PEACE, DIPLOMACY, CEASE FIRE. And as late as last night, all the questioning and commentary on TV rested on the same premise: Somebody has to do something to stop Israel now!
Is the United States dragging its feet diplomatically? Horrors! Don't our leaders see what tragedies are befalling those poor people? The shame!
Pony pucks. Sometimes the best way to ensure peace -- real peace, not just the absence of hostilities -- is to kick ass and take names. The eve of destruction was a week ago. Hezbollah went one toke over the line, man, one toke over the line.
I am all for Israel seeking real peace.
I am all for Israel rooting out the terrorists Hezbollah.
I am all for Israel kicking ass and taking names.
Talk of "proportional response" is sophomoric. This isn't tit for tat. It's Sherman marching to the sea -- Union soldiers gunning for the KKK in Mississippi in the 1870s, the Iroquois League destroying every people it can't subsume.
Israel is rightly doing in Lebabon what the United States rightly did in Afghanistan after 9/11 in going after the Taliban even to the point of destroying the government of Afghanistan, which the Taliban had infested. Israel is going after Hezbollah, it looks like, even to the point of destroying the government, such as it is, of Lebanon. More power to them.
May Israel *not,* as the United States did, go off on a tangent.
Damn Iraq! Damn every neocon loon who saw, imagined or fabricated a basis for responding to Osama bin Laden by toppling the tyrant Saddam. It's caused Afghanistan to drag on longer than it would have, and it leaves us too stretched to ... oh, I don't know, rush in with the cavalry if Israel bites off more than it can chew in Lebanon.
Damn neocon's disdain for international relations and suspicion of diplomacy! Bushco. doesn't have the balls to sit down with an eighth-grade bully like Kim Jung Il(sp?) and tell him where to head in at! Joe Biden put it best on Meet the Press last week: We should sit him down like the schoolyard punk he is and tell him exactly what he may and may not and tell him "we will annihilate you" if he keeps on showing his ass. But we won't.
So, I don't have any hopes for American limp-dick diplomacy to get anywhere in the Middle East now.
End rant.
Rant p.s.: I am all for the United States going in to rescue Americans caught up in the war in Lebanon. I am all for We, the People footing the bill. But unless people are over there under the employ of the U.S. government, or otherwise directly connected to U.S. interests, being rescued is more than they should expect. So don't whine about the timing, or the mode of transportation, or anything else.
End rant p.s.
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Very good. Loved it. Got a little off point towards the last, but got back at the end. Proud of you.
Like someone who I won't name said yesterday: If Hezbollah lays down its arms there is peace, If Israel lays down its arms it will be another holocaust.
Like someone who I won't name said yesterday: If Hezbollah lays down its arms there is peace, If Israel lays down its arms it will be another holocaust.
I fear I have shocked my peaceful readers.
Lord knows I'm no dove -- nor a hawk.
My great-grandpa was justified in taking up arms against the Yankee hordes.
We were justified in going into Afghanistan.
Israel is justified in trying to rub out Hezbollah -- especially as long as they can argue "hot pursuit."
Lord knows I'm no dove -- nor a hawk.
My great-grandpa was justified in taking up arms against the Yankee hordes.
We were justified in going into Afghanistan.
Israel is justified in trying to rub out Hezbollah -- especially as long as they can argue "hot pursuit."
Yes, I'm afraid that someone has coopted ER's site. I'm thinking it was Tug Boat Capt or the Old Soldier fella. But it's not ER. This guys is definitely lookin' for a fight.
"Excuse me Jesus... step aside here... we got some Hisboolah a** kickin ta do!"
Next thing you know, ol ER will be saying things like that Bush fella earlier in the week...
"Excuse me Jesus... step aside here... we got some Hisboolah a** kickin ta do!"
Next thing you know, ol ER will be saying things like that Bush fella earlier in the week...
I thought you said it very well, ER. It will be interesting to see how deep Iran actually is in all of this.
BTW, I'd say this is more along the line of Father, forgive me, but what else can they do? -- rather than me pushin' Jesus out of the way, I'm hidin' my face and lookin' the other way as I dart around and past Him.
On the other hand, the Lord is no wuss. Turnin' the other cheek is for me to do when I am attacked. Not so when I see a friend being attacked.
On the other hand, the Lord is no wuss. Turnin' the other cheek is for me to do when I am attacked. Not so when I see a friend being attacked.
For a confederate to advocate Sherman's tactics leads me a little baffled.
The people along his line of march still hate him and the Feds 150 years later. So much for an effective peace strategy.Now D. daddio and ElA love your style.
Truth is Israel is doing the right tactical things.
They will win this battle. But they will note win "their" war. Even after they create their contry size ghetto complete with walls and motes and bufferzones their on arab Citizen will breed them into something other than they are. Ain't sex wonderful?
By the way anyone not an employee of the U.S. Government pays for their own rescue. No shit, they have to sign government loan papers before they can leave covering the cost of their salvation, and then they have to pay back the loan with interst etc..
ER you have been watching too much TV.
The people along his line of march still hate him and the Feds 150 years later. So much for an effective peace strategy.Now D. daddio and ElA love your style.
Truth is Israel is doing the right tactical things.
They will win this battle. But they will note win "their" war. Even after they create their contry size ghetto complete with walls and motes and bufferzones their on arab Citizen will breed them into something other than they are. Ain't sex wonderful?
By the way anyone not an employee of the U.S. Government pays for their own rescue. No shit, they have to sign government loan papers before they can leave covering the cost of their salvation, and then they have to pay back the loan with interst etc..
ER you have been watching too much TV.
israel is to the middle east what the us is to the world: THE super power. of course, they have the right to defend themselves, and to retaliate when attacked. but, as a super power, their response must be measured and appropriate. knocking out a power plant that sev=rves 700,000 civilians, as well as effecting the other utilities which rely on that plant, is excessive, imo. it may well have been a reasonable military target, but the effect on the civilian population should not be ignored. the civilians won't ignore it.
and it seems to me that were israel to eliminate hezbollah, some other faction would simply take their place. israel's only hope is to somehow establish dialogue with whatever group is in power, because there's no way they can smash a sentiment. and trying to do so has the oposite effect.
as for the chimp's poo-bomb, he's right: hezbollah and hamas have got to quit doing this shit. and you will RARELY see me agree with him about anything.
btw, we're still clashing with taliban militants. hard to smash a sentiment....
and it seems to me that were israel to eliminate hezbollah, some other faction would simply take their place. israel's only hope is to somehow establish dialogue with whatever group is in power, because there's no way they can smash a sentiment. and trying to do so has the oposite effect.
as for the chimp's poo-bomb, he's right: hezbollah and hamas have got to quit doing this shit. and you will RARELY see me agree with him about anything.
btw, we're still clashing with taliban militants. hard to smash a sentiment....
What's the chance that some of ol' Saddam's weaponry is now in the hands of Hezbollah? If one Iraqi general is to be believed, much if not all of Saddams arsenal made its way into Syria.
Could it be that Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade and Islamic Jihad in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) have some of those as well? To say nothing of Hamas?
What if Israel feels the need to drop a dozen or so Neutron bombs on Damascus? That'd fulfill at least one prophesy I'm aware of.
On a different tack... I find it curious that I've managed to discover my name bandied about on a couple of blogs today. I've obviously made quite an impression. Ya think? Just how 'quite' I leave to others to determine. 'Sticks and stones' and all that....
Oh and ER, you are most definitely NOT a redneck. Erudite, yes, but putting 'Erudite' in front of 'Redneck' is like putting 'Led' in front of 'Zeppelin'.... it just doesn't fly.
Could it be that Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade and Islamic Jihad in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) have some of those as well? To say nothing of Hamas?
What if Israel feels the need to drop a dozen or so Neutron bombs on Damascus? That'd fulfill at least one prophesy I'm aware of.
On a different tack... I find it curious that I've managed to discover my name bandied about on a couple of blogs today. I've obviously made quite an impression. Ya think? Just how 'quite' I leave to others to determine. 'Sticks and stones' and all that....
Oh and ER, you are most definitely NOT a redneck. Erudite, yes, but putting 'Erudite' in front of 'Redneck' is like putting 'Led' in front of 'Zeppelin'.... it just doesn't fly.
"What's the chance that some of ol' Saddam's weaponry is now in the hands of Hezbollah?"
considering the fact that we did a lousy job of locking that stuff down after we invaded, the chance certainly exists.
considering the fact that we did a lousy job of locking that stuff down after we invaded, the chance certainly exists.
EL, that is the single most direct insult you've leveled at me.
That's like somebody claiming there couldn't be a black conservative!
Foxworthy has turned "redneck" into a caricature. I will assume you mean no malice and are merely misinformed by the comedian -- who is no more redneck than ... Brad Pitt (barf).
Redneck is a white minority ethnicity, and I'm surprised that you don't know that! I could no more deny it than a Cherokee could deny bein' an Indian or a non-Carib black could deny bein' an African-American. GEEZ.
That's like somebody claiming there couldn't be a black conservative!
Foxworthy has turned "redneck" into a caricature. I will assume you mean no malice and are merely misinformed by the comedian -- who is no more redneck than ... Brad Pitt (barf).
Redneck is a white minority ethnicity, and I'm surprised that you don't know that! I could no more deny it than a Cherokee could deny bein' an Indian or a non-Carib black could deny bein' an African-American. GEEZ.
Kev: absolutely, Israel, or somebody is as morally obligated to take care of the children refugees as Israel is morally obligated to take care of itself.
Tell me where to send a check. I've got $20 that Daddio, the mocker, has refused that'll be a good start.
Tell me where to send a check. I've got $20 that Daddio, the mocker, has refused that'll be a good start.
I know quite a few rednecks and you do not fit the bill-- I could never carry on this level of conversation with any of them.
Take insult if you must, but I'm less familiar with Foxworthy than I am with Engvall. Besides which, yours is obviously a more erudite definition of 'Redneck' than mine own... Therefore, I'll assume you've merely feigned insult.
Take insult if you must, but I'm less familiar with Foxworthy than I am with Engvall. Besides which, yours is obviously a more erudite definition of 'Redneck' than mine own... Therefore, I'll assume you've merely feigned insult.
And by the way, I've yet to meet a redneck that didn't live up to the caricature... and take pride in it! But I guess there's always that rare exception.
"Sometimes the best way to ensure peace -- real peace, not just the absence of hostilities -- is to kick ass and take names."
Obligated to take care of themselves? Sure.
And I'd offer that killing many Lebanese civilians is only going to make Israel less secure. It validates in the minds of many that Israel is a threat that must be taken care of.
This is the problem with trying to treat terrorists like nations. We ought to deal with terrorists like criminals, not nations. Once you start invading and bombing other nations - especially if more civilians are getting killed than "enemies," you've lost the fight for security and taken on the role of terrorist yourself.
Seems to me.
Obligated to take care of themselves? Sure.
And I'd offer that killing many Lebanese civilians is only going to make Israel less secure. It validates in the minds of many that Israel is a threat that must be taken care of.
This is the problem with trying to treat terrorists like nations. We ought to deal with terrorists like criminals, not nations. Once you start invading and bombing other nations - especially if more civilians are getting killed than "enemies," you've lost the fight for security and taken on the role of terrorist yourself.
Seems to me.
EL, you have stumbled into the briar patch, the very conundrum of my existence on this earth.
For what it's worth, there is a left rear tire from a Kevin Harvick car in my living room, and it's not for effect. :-)
Just a symptom. I've no need to prove up my redneckery. I'll just point out, again, that "erudite" means "learned" is all. And I did manage to get learned up pretty good.
Oh, EL, re: Sherman. I didn't mention him with approval, only as an appropriate comparison. As for the hard feelings in Georgia, lo, these 1140-odd years later, tell it to the Cherokees.
Dan. This was plainly labeled as a rant. The problem is this: When terrorists have positions in the government of a nation, well, your point falls apart, doesn't it?
For what it's worth, there is a left rear tire from a Kevin Harvick car in my living room, and it's not for effect. :-)
Just a symptom. I've no need to prove up my redneckery. I'll just point out, again, that "erudite" means "learned" is all. And I did manage to get learned up pretty good.
Oh, EL, re: Sherman. I didn't mention him with approval, only as an appropriate comparison. As for the hard feelings in Georgia, lo, these 1140-odd years later, tell it to the Cherokees.
Dan. This was plainly labeled as a rant. The problem is this: When terrorists have positions in the government of a nation, well, your point falls apart, doesn't it?
I think I shall start every day with a glimpse of this post, then go out and take on the world!
"Sometimes the best way to ensure peace -- real peace, not just the absence of hostilities -- is to kick ass and take names. The eve of destruction was a week ago. Hezbollah went one toke over the line, man, one toke over the line."
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"Sometimes the best way to ensure peace -- real peace, not just the absence of hostilities -- is to kick ass and take names. The eve of destruction was a week ago. Hezbollah went one toke over the line, man, one toke over the line."
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