Wednesday, July 12, 2006


'Conservatives Betrayed'

Bad title. Should have called it "America Betrayed." Righty-rights complain when their political opponents say "Bush lied about (fill in the blank)." Hell's bells, y'all, his whole administration is a lie.


"CONSERVATIVES BETRAYED: How George W. Bush and Other Big Government Republicans Hijacked the Conservative Cause"

by Richard A. Viguerie
July 2006 · Current Events/Politics · 271 pages
$24.95 · 6” x 9” · Cloth

A Conservative Indictment of the Big Government GOP:

• Federal spending has increased by 33% since George W. Bush became President, including a 48% surge in discretionary spending The increases in spending during the Bush Administration have exceeded the entire federal budget under President Jimmy Carter.

• The Republican Congress passed, and President Bush signed, a $286.4 billion Transportation Bill with 6,371 pork barrel spending projects, including the $224 million Bridge to Nowhere in Alaska. (In 1986, President Ronald Reagan vetoed a Transportation Bill because it contained a mere 150.)

• With Medicare already headed for bankruptcy, the Republicans passed the biggest expansion of the federal government since the Great Society - the Medicare prescription drug bill.

• More than 1,000,000 illegal aliens enter the U.S. every year, and rather than doing anything to stop it, the President has proposed amnesty for those who have breached our borders and broken our laws.

• In 2000, Bush campaigned against the Clinton practice of “nation-building,” but his nation-building in Iraq has got the U.S. stuck in a $1 trillion Middle Eastern quagmire that shows no promise of ending.

Memberships to the radical middle of the road John Spruce Society are available upon request. Apply with me or the First Vice-President T. Stockman.
(some officer slots are still available for qualified members)
Ooh, ooh, can I be chaplain?
OK, you're The Chaplin.
But be reminded that your prayers must not suport either the right or the left of anything in anyway.
Keep everything mild and lukewarm.

Your membership number is 00000003.
Don't forget it, in that you will need it to sign into the secret society web page.
Yes - be every bit as mild and lukewarm as the good doctor and I have been on these hallowed comments.
Consider me a dead armadillo.

(Not). :-)
You're gonna make a fine addition to the Society. Welcome member 0000003.
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