Monday, June 05, 2006


'Build each other up'

A reader writes!

I was reading in 1 Thessalonians today -- shock, I know, that I was in a New Testament book : ) -- and I came across something that made me think of you (in real life and as ER the blogger).

It's chapter 5, verses 10 and 11: "He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."

It occurs to me, in my own behavior toward you as my friend (as as ER on the blog, not to mention all your ERcoloytes) that I far too often focus on the things that we disagree about, as it pertains to walking out our faith, than I do on the fact that we share a common faith and love for the Lord.

I was convicted today of not nearly doing enough of what Paul is talking about here --- encouraging others I know share my faith. I've told you before, but it bears repeating, the Holy Spririt has used you more than you know to remind me of the compassion and love of Jesus -- and how I am to spread that every bit as much as I preach the Truth. Thanks, again, for that.

An interesting ER blog post, if you're not feeling particularly creative today, would be to post this Scripture and challenge your readers to say encouraging things about each other, particularly those who don't often see eye to ideological eye. That would make for some fascinating reading.

Glad you're my friend,

Anonymous Friend

So let it be written, so let it be done.

Thanks, Friend.

I'll start.

To those on the Christian Right: When we tear into one another, I always try to remember that we still agree on one thing, the most important of all:


And that's it. Because we don't agree on much *about* Jesus even. But, as Bill Gaither wrote:

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There's just something about that name
Master, Saviour, Jesus
Like the fragrance after the rain
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Let all Heaven and Earth proclaim
Kings and kingdoms
Will all pass away
But there's something about that Name.


Christians of good faith and conscience disagree on the meanings of salvation and sanctification.

Which is why I assert that the only point of agreement is Jesus.

Just Jesus.

And while, in anger, I very often assert that the Right has Jesus bound and gagged, they at least keep company with Him! :-)
One thing that I appreciate about other bloggers is so many points of view. It reminds me that one reason Jesus died on the cross was because His arms were open wide to include all of us in His sacrifice. Left, right, or centrist, He welcomes all of us into His embrace. There is no better place for us to meet.
ER said:
"The only issue that right and the left Christians agree on, is that we were saved and sanctified in the light of the cross."

I think that TS and I were cursed with Damnation twice today on this very blog, so I can't quite agree with you on your statement. I have found that to really hate a Christian it takes another Christian. I think history will bear that out.
I however, even appreciate the negativity and the curses I have found here. This blog has caused me to re-affirm what I thought to be true and real, and to discover even more things about truth than I knew before.
As far a Shela's statement that..."Jesus looks that same on both sides, but God looks differant." It tain't true, not at all. Often the dissimilarities between jesus A and Jesus B are so marked that you wonder if we inhabit the same planet. It is standard operationing proceedure to demonize your opponents when in religious circles.
Naw, you guys do the group hug bit.
I've only got four cheeks and I've turned them all today thankyou.
I stay with what I am.
Drlobojo, I did not say that.

I maintain that the only single thing that all Christians have in common is Jesus.

Just Jesus. Maybe only the name -- because the nature of Jesus, and the Christ, is something to fight about. Ask the Arians!

As usual, the Scripture encourages us to something that is hard: "build each other up." That's not a "group hug," either. Because I can't stand a lot of people who wear the name "Christian." No, not a group hug at all. Maybe a group cease fire -- long enough to concentrate on that One Thing.

Listen, people are most defensive about themselves. And that says a lot about who they actually are defending when they think they're defending God, who needs to defending -- left, right or middle.
Amen and amen, Brother.

I add my own slight spin (interpretation):

"He loves the atheists and agnostics as much as He loves me or ER or anybody else."


But no, I'm no universalist.

And now I withdraw lest the hint of contention ruin the moment. :-)
"And so say we all!"
To all men and women of goodwill and (at least) half a brain - access to joy and misforte avert.
Yesterday d. dadio said to ER on a previous thread:
"This place is nothing more than a cess-pool of patronizing circle-jerkers.

I'll not ask God to bless you. I will pray for you to come to the Truth about Him, though.

At this point, from what I gather from your twisted logic, you are building a very hot place in hell for yourself!"
D.Daddio is an abberation, if not an abomination. He is not representative of the Christian Right. He is a wannabe. I'm not sure what his game is. I think he's bipolar, perhaps undiagnosed. If so, he is dangerous to himself and those around him. If diagnosed, he clearly starts feeling well and stops taking his meds. In any case, I take him about as seriously as I would a fifth-grader jumping up and down trying to get attention in a graduate seminar.

Yes, I do think that highly of the regular discourse here, and yes, I do think that lowly of D.Daddio's "contributions." If I believed in a Santa Claus in the Sky, I'd pray for him; since I don't, not quite, I'll pray for myself, that I'll continue to ignore him and let his meanness go where all black water should go: down the drain.
Nick, regarding that struggle to be the Christian you want to be, I am right there with you, brother. Every day.
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