Saturday, May 06, 2006


Comin' in out of the cold ... Liberal

I took this test about a year ago, and scored as a Conservative Democrat.

I took it just now, after bein' accused of bein' a Leftist, just to see. Nope, just a plain ol' garden-variety Liberal. Considering what's been happening in the world and in my own life the past year, that sounds about right.

Here's the test. Take it. Let us know the results.

Here's me:

Based on your answers to the questionnaire, you most closely resemble survey respondents within the Liberal typology group. This does not mean that you necessarily fit every group characteristic or agree with the group on all issues.

Liberals represent 17 percent of the American public, and 19 percent of registered voters.

Basic Description
This group has nearly doubled in proportion since 1999, Liberals now comprise the largest share of Democrats and is the single largest of the nine Typology groups. They are the most opposed to an assertive foreign policy, the most secular, and take the most liberal views on social issues such as homosexuality, abortion, and censorship. They differ from other Democratic groups in that they are strongly pro-environment and pro-immigration, issues which are more controversial among Conservative and Disadvantaged Democrats.

Defining Values
Strongest preference for diplomacy over use of military force. Pro-choice, supportive of gay marriage and strongly favor environmental protection. Low participation in religious activities. Most sympathetic of any group to immigrants as well as labor unions, and most opposed to the anti-terrorism Patriot Act.

Who They Are
Most (62%) identify themselves as liberal. Predominantly white (83%), most highly educated group (49% have a college degree or more), and youngest group after Bystanders. Least religious group in typology: 43% report they seldom or never attend religious services; nearly a quarter (22%) are seculars. More than one-third never married (36%). Largest group residing in urban areas (42%) and in the western half the country (34%). Wealthiest Democratic group (41% earn at least $75,000).

Lifestyle Notes
Largest group to have been born (or whose parents were born) outside of the U.S. or Canada (20%). Least likely to report having a gun at home (23%) or attending bible study or prayer group meetings (13%).

2004 Election
Bush 2%, Kerry 81%

Party ID
59% Democrat; 40% Independent/No Preference, 1% Republican (92% Dem/Lean Dem)

Media Use
Liberals are second only to Enterprisers in following news about government and public affairs most of the time (60%). Liberals’ use of the internet to get news is the highest among all groups (37%).


Liberal. No surprise. In other politcal tests, I've usually shown up as a Socialist.
Based on your answers to the questionnaire, you most closely resemble survey respondents within the Enterpriser typology group. This does not mean that you necessarily fit every group characteristic or agree with the group on all issues.

Enterprisers represent 9 percent of the American public, and 10 percent of registered voters.

Basic Description
As in previous studies conducted in 1987, 1994 and 1999, this extremely partisan Republican group’s politics are driven by a belief in the free enterprise system and social values that reflect a conservative agenda. Enterprisers are also the strongest backers of an assertive foreign policy, which includes nearly unanimous support for the war in Iraq and strong support for such anti-terrorism efforts as the Patriot Act.

Defining Values
Assertive on foreign policy and patriotic; anti-regulation and pro-business; very little support for government help to the poor; strong belief that individuals are responsible for their own well being. Conservative on social issues such as gay marriage, but not much more religious than the nation as a whole. Very satisfied with personal financial situation.

Who They Are
Predominantly white (91%), male (76%) and financially well-off (62% have household incomes of at least $50,000, compared with 40% nationwide). Nearly half (46%) have a college degree, and 77% are married. Nearly a quarter (23%) are themselves military veterans. Only 10% are under age 30.

Lifestyle Notes
59% report having a gun in their homes; 53% trade stocks and bonds in the stock market, and 30% are small business owners – all of which are the highest percentages among typology groups. 48% attend church weekly; 36% attend bible study or prayer group meetings.

2004 Election
Bush 92%, Kerry 1%. Bush’s most reliable supporters (just 4% of Enterprisers did not vote)

Party ID
81% Republican, 18% Independent/No Preference, 1% Democrat (98% Rep/LeanRep)

Media Use
Enterprisers follow news about government and politics more closely than any other group, and exhibit the most knowledge about world affairs. The Fox News Channel is their primary source of news (46% cite it as a main source) followed by newspapers (42%) radio (31%) and the internet (26%).
Pretty accurate, huh? All except for I don't approve of the Patriot Act. Other than that, though . . .
Pretty dead-on, I thought. :-)

I would like to know how they got the statistics on the lifestyle points that aren't in this quiz -- like gun ownership, Bible study, etc.

Overall I don't like these kind of quizzes that draw assumptions and corellations that may not apply. Oh well, not my quiz.
Bullshit results.
Disadvantaged Democrat.
Talkin point questions from a focus group vender.
False dichotomy in their results.
Did they ever hear of Libertarian?
but then again Libertarians don't buy these kind of reslts from people such as these.
Red/Blue screw both of yous.
Conservative /Liberal both fair game to me.
Good Lord. Did you forget to take a pill? :-)
Better Living Through Chemistry! That's my motto.
I turned out to be an Enterpriser as well.

I found this to be interesting...

Media Use
Enterprisers follow news about government and politics more closely than any other group, and exhibit the most knowledge about world affairs. The Fox News Channel is their primary source of news (46% cite it as a main source) followed by newspapers (42%) radio (31%) and the internet (26%).

Seems the more you know, and the more you pay attention...
Look at the Typology used Mr. editor man:

The Right:
1.Enterprisers (white affluent educated men)
2.Social Conservatives (white female conservative Christians)
3.Pro-Government Conservatives (southern, poor, pro-administration, female, Christians)

The Middle:
1. Upbeats (voted for Bush 4 to 1)
2. Disaffecteds (don't vote)
3. Bystanders (young people)

The Left:
1. Liberal (affluent well educated secular cynical opponents)
2. Conservative Democrats:(religious older racially divrse moderates)
3. Disadvantaged Democrats: (poor, under educated, pessimistic, self-serving, minority, females)

Now that's really a finely tuned and complete discription of Americas political profile of today.
The Pew Trust should yank these guys monies, it's a con.
I''ll go take my pills for today now.
whenever the discussion of the label of "liberal" comes up, i always post this (apologies if i've posted it here before):

"What do our opponents mean when they apply to us the label 'Liberal?' If by 'Liberal' they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer's dollar, then … we are not that kind of 'Liberal.' But if by a 'Liberal' they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a 'Liberal,' then I'm proud to say I'm a 'Liberal.'" - John F. Kennedy, September 14, 1960

when some fright-winger calls me a communist or some such, i always answer "we are not that kind of liberal"!

Liberal. But, as usual for these little surveys, I found the test questions extremely limiting and wanted to choose "other" at least half the time.

("The gov't should do more to help the poor even if it means going in to debt VS the gov't can't afford to help the poor"?! Come on! Can't I be anti-debt and pro-assistance?)
Interesting link. Didn't know it, but I'm an Enterpriser. It's a blunt tool, and the forced and false either/ors are a problem. Sometimes my choice had to be a reaction to the alternative, rather than real agreement. But it will do. I'm probably more the social conservative - money's not a huge motivator in my life. I must be young.

Jack, welcome.

And I think you may have summed up my own nose-holding association with the Democratic Party!

"Sometimes my choice had to be a reaction to the alternative, rather than real agreement."

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