Sunday, April 30, 2006


About 'The End'

Never heard of Jurgen Moltmann, but I'll be looking him up. I like the sentiment expressed in the lead-in.


You scored as Moltmannian Eschatology. Jürgen Moltmann is one of the key eschatological thinkers of the 20th Century. Eschatology is not only about heaven and hell, but God's plan to make all things new. This should spur us on to political and social action in the present.

Moltmannian Eschatology










Left Behind




What's your eschatology?
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On yer first comment: I'm pretty sure that I've not complained about FOTF's activity in politics and social issues: I've insisted that Jesus would have none of it -- that He would have NOTHING to do with right-wing "culture war" BS as it is practiced in this country by the religious right. Y'all are on the wrong side of almost every issue, IMHO. So, add the lovely, Jesusian adjective "liberal" however you see fit. :-)

Second post: Duh. :-)

Third post: I think that might cause Quiz Farm to blow up.

BTW, do you know about the remnants of a charismatic church, in Tulsa, trying to become a UCC church!?! Mysterious ways, indeed.
I'll take the quiz. First, though, I have to look up that two-dollar word, "escha-something-or-other".

By the way, ER - I read you the same way Nick does. His first comment was right on.
Eschatology = "end times things"

And, Rem, if you mean I complain that FOTF is wrong. Because I do.

Which means that Nick is right, too: A more accurat statement would be: This should spur us on to liberal political and social action in the present" -- at least when compared to FOTF.

Absolutely. I stand corrected.
Dispensationalist. Now is the Church Age, but during the millenial reign of Christ, the Jews will once again be the focus of God's plans. You are a firm believer in the rapture and seek to take the Bible literally.

Dispensationalist - 85%
Left Behind - 85%
Moltmannian Eschatology - 70%
Premillenialist - 65%
Postmillenialist - 45%
Preterist - 40%
Amillenialist - 30%
You know, I'm having to look up an awful lot of words for this thing. I guess that means I'd score alot closer to the R side of the E/R test.
But then, that's probably not news. . .
LOL. I don't know how you have a Southern-fried fundy background and missed the word "eschatology"! Dude, when I was in high school, all we talked about was "The Late Great Plant Earth" -- the handbook of armchair eschatologists! :-)
Strike plant. Insert planet.
I guess when I was in high school, all we talked about was football and white tails - both varieties. : )
Until I was about 25 I was an ardent pre-millenialist. As I heard R.G. Lee once say, ' I won't even say "ah" formy doctor, lest I be confused for an amillenialist."

Things change.

You scored as Amillenialist. Amillenialism believes that the 1000 year reign is not literal but figurative, and that Christ began to reign at his ascension. People take some prophetic scripture far too literally in your view.

Amillenialist 85%
Moltmannian Eschatology 60%
Dispensationalist 50%
Preterist 45%
Postmillenialist 15%
Premillenialist 0%
Left Behind 0%
Let's see according to "The Late Great Planet Earth" we all died in 1988. Was there a sequel to that book?
Dang! I reckon I'm too dumb to even answer the questions intelligently.

All I kept wanting to answer was either, "i dunno" or "i don't care" and those weren't options.
Now I making a joke Dan, when I say that makes you a "left behind".
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