Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Houston's top cop: unAmerican

Cops scare me to death. As the front line of the executive branch, they should be made to take classes in constitutional rights. Sadly, most are not. Apparently not even the top dog of one of the biggest PD's in the country.


Copyright 2006 Houston Chronicle

Facing a shortage of police officers, Police Chief Harold Hurtt called Wednesday for a new type of patrol: surveillance cameras on downtown streets, apartment complexes and shopping malls — and in extreme situations, private homes.

"If you're not doing anything wrong, why should you worry about it?" Hurtt told reporters.

Read all about it.

Picked up from Craig Crawford.

And the Police Chief said:
"If you're not doing anything wrong, why should you worry about it?" Hurtt told reporters.

But what's "anything wrong" may change in anytime might it not? I no longer take pictures of trains. I used to. I've done it for decades. I have hundreds of pictures. I would just stand somewhere near a track and take pictures as a train came by. But after 9-11 and several interventions by local police and the well meaning but ignorant general public, I have stopped even though what I was doing was perfectly legal and harmless.

Another case in point, have you ever use a computer in a library?

By Cameron W. Barr
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, February 17, 2006; Page B08

Two uniformed men strolled into the main room of the Little Falls library in Bethesda one day last week and demanded the attention of all patrons using the computers. Then they made their announcement: The viewing of Internet pornography was forbidden.

The men looked stern and wore baseball caps emblazoned with the words "Homeland Security." The bizarre scene unfolded Feb. 9, leaving some residents confused and forcing county officials to explain how employees assigned to protect county buildings against terrorists came to see it as their job to police the viewing of pornography.

After the two men made their announcement, one of them challenged an Internet user's choice of viewing material and asked him to step outside, according to a witness. A librarian intervened, and the two men went into the library's work area to discuss the matter. A police officer arrived. In the end, no one had to step outside except the uniformed men.

They were officers of the security division of Montgomery County's Homeland Security Department, an unarmed force that patrols about 300 county buildings -- but is not responsible for enforcing obscenity laws. ..............

An one more case in point: Ever rented the movie "The Tin Drum" from an Oklahoma City movie rental store?

These last two posts have officially given me the heebeegeebees (Lordy! How does one spell that?!?)

I am NOT saying that we live in a fascist state, but these last two posts sure seem to suggest that we are moving closer and closer all the time.

And good God, that police chief said something about monitoring *private* residences. Private residences! WTF!?!?

Super B, et. al., want to freak?
How about a spy system that flies so low that the cameras can count the hairs on the wart on the back of your neck. One that is low enough that it can get almost any angle on you home that is needed and not look just straight down.

The Houston Ploice Chief is a piker, not enough imagination.

Take a look at you near future:

Now take a look at yesterday:

Now just use a little imagination.
What could you do with these? For the good or the bad?
North Dakota is already setting up an array of these ballon satelites for use as stationary cell phone towers, what else will they be tempted to hang from them?
I might just paint a big eff-y'all "bird" on top of my house.
I don’t want to start a big argument or anything like that, but this has been a long time coming. The previous President did two things that scared the hell out of me. He was for NAFTA, GRAFTA, HAVETA, and anything else with a TA on the end of it and one day he said in a speech, “People are going to have to give up some of their rights in order to be safe”. I think at the time he was talking about gun control, but hell, the only thing that hasn’t gotten worse under Bush is gun control. I sure don’t scratch my ass anymore, just let it itch. Please I’m not ragging on Clinton or bragging on Bush, just saying it’s to late in the game to fix “The End Of the World, As We Know It”.
I agree. I don't think Bush started this at all. It has been 50 years in the making at least. What the Bush Admistration is doing shifting it from 2nd gear into high gear and then covering it up. In the long term GW may be doing everyone a great favor, by over doing it and calling attention to this before it becomes so effecient that nothing can be done to retrieve it.
In this venue I would not trust any Democrat either. I think that they would do it slower, but they would still do it.
I don't b'lieve I made this a Bush thing, either.

When even Barney effing Fife thinks he can snoop around in our personal bidness, the problem goes way beyong the news of the day or whosits in the Oval Office.

Bit it's NEVER too late to bitch and raise hell. EVER. Until, of course, the thugs are at yer door.
Holy crap, what if they’re all in it together, what if they have all been in on it for 40 or 50 years or since that book (1984) came out. Oh No, what if Dubya, HW, Ronnie, even Carter, Kerry, and Howard have been slipping in the back door at the New Year’s Eve (Think Tank) Parties that Bill and Hillary have been accused of going to back east for decades. Man, what if it goes even deeper than that, what if Sadam Insane is in on it too. What if we already have “One World Government” and just don’t know it. Our vote doesn’t count, Our vote doesn’t count! It doesn’t matter who we vote for because they’re all in it together. Why didn’t we see this sooner? We are on a slippery slope and sliding into the depths of Hell on Earth.
Holy crap, what if they’re all in it together, what if they have all been in on it for 40 or 50 years or since that book (1984) came out. Oh No, what if Dubya, HW, Ronnie, even Carter, Kerry, and Howard have been slipping in the back door at the New Year’s Eve (Think Tank) Parties that Bill and Hillary have been accused of going to back east for decades. Man, what if it goes even deeper than that, what if Sadam Insane is in on it too. What if we already have “One World Government” and just don’t know it. Our vote doesn’t count, Our vote doesn’t count! It doesn’t matter who we vote for because they’re all in it together. Why didn’t we see this sooner? We are on a slippery slope and sliding into the depths of Hell on Earth.
gotta go, it's time for my wolf blitzer fix
I guess I've developed a stu..stu..stutter. I didn't mean to post twice. Wolf's bout to have a fit over the port deal.
So is the president. So is Frist. Hoo hoo. Is Bush nucking futs?? I reckon some of his Saudi cronies got money invested in Dubai! Jesus God, as Imus says.
And just think: there would have been no legal gateway to any of this bullshit without the War On Drugs essentially gutting the Bill of Rights.
I always love to hear the 'if you're innocent, have no fear' disclaimer. Once you've done away with the rule of law, people who dislike you for whatever reason may find it very easy indeed to paint you as not innocent at all.
I also love the whole 'well obviously it works, since there hasn't been another terrorist attack' reasoning.
Yup, and thanks to Joe McCarthy, the United States never went Commie in the '50's...
At what point between 2000 and now did all my reactionary friends decide that everything the government does is good, and following meekly being the only virtue?
I just listened to Bill ORiely and Sean Hanity endorse UAE getting the ports. I guess Murdock sent around another memo today. These people have no honor.
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it is
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