Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Barney cam, 2005!

The White House -- OUR White House; it belongs to ALL of us -- sends its annual First Petly cheer from Barney and Miss Beazley, with a bit part played by First Cat Willie.

It's 9 minutes and 48 seconds of silly fun -- and it reminds me that the occupiers, I mean, occupants, of the White House ARE human beings. They're wrongheaded about some things, important things, but so am I.

It's easy to forget that they're not all blinking cursors, headlines, sound bites and little bits of spin. Republics are people, too. (Someone note the time and date).

Now, I ain't goin' soft. But I can set aside my own confounded consternation long enough for a bipartisan romp with the First Pups. Y'all should, too.


When a man in untrustworthy, it extends even down to his dogs. I have always looked upon Barney as a fake Fala (FDR's dog). Now they have two fake Falas. Does that make G.W. twice the president that FDR was. Fala spent much of her time curled up in F.D.R.'s lap as he sat in his wheel chair. Fala probably attended ten times the inteligent briefings that G.W. has. I suspect Barney and Beasely shed too much for any time in George's lap. No they get a "let's walk to the helecopter" moment with him every once in a while. These aren't real pets, they are set pieces in a managed fraud known as the Bush presidentcy.
If G.W. were a real Texan he would be holding up his hunting begals by the ears to show them off like Lyndon did. Now that was a "true" moment.
F.D.R.'s dog Fala was a beloved pet and companion, as a dog should be. She is immortalized in bronze, along with her compadre Franklin, at the FDR memorial.
Barney and Besaley. bah humbug.
It's dogism, I tell ya. Equal time for Willie!
I think the pooches are mainly Laura's. ... I didn't even know there WAS a Willie the cat until I watched the clip. Shame on 'em for feline discrimination!
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