Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Redneck Christmas lawn deer

This is the funniest thing I've seen in EVER! Dr. ER and I have the perfect tree to do this in our (sadly) suburban front yard!
(I got this as a bitmap via e-mail. Thanks to Nick Toper for finding a jpeg online for me. To whomever did this: Thank you for doin' yer part to keep the redneck in Christmas!)
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That's awesome! I'd love to do something like that ('cept I'd spread his legs on a gambrel - make it look a little more realistic). My wife's always after me to do a little more at Christmas. She'd probably fail to appreciate it, though.
Yeah, I'm gonna think on this . . .
Yeah, I'm gonna think on this . . .
As a member of PETA I'm shocked and appalled that you would make the killing of one of God's little animals a symbol of Christmas. Oh shit, did I say Christmas? What was I thinking, this is America where Christmas, Jesus, red meat, and Apple Pie are soon to be banned.
Holly Crap, ok ok, Holy krap. Little Christmas pun. I hope I don't open up a can of worms with my peta joke.
You know, a variation on this theme would be to create the classic pose that runs in every country paper this time of year:
Junior, or Junioette, or Bubba, or Cuz, or whoever, sittin' on a tail gate holdin' the critter up by its rack, muggin' for the camera.
Junior, or Junioette, or Bubba, or Cuz, or whoever, sittin' on a tail gate holdin' the critter up by its rack, muggin' for the camera.
I think we should kidnap PETA members, attach antlers to their heads, tie their hands behind their backs and turn them loose in the woods.
No. We should just go out to the Texas Panhandle and western Oklahoma, and to the Midwest, and go to the feedlots and turn all the cows loose.
PETA wants the animals to be free? Let's free 'em. See how they fare.
PETA wants the animals to be free? Let's free 'em. See how they fare.
Oh, and I've tryin' to not get so hot under the collar lately. ... On the other hand, you were clearly bein' facetious.
Yep, Anon was clearly bein' fac ... fas ... a smartass. Last sentence said something about red meat bein' banned. That shoulda told ya it wasn't from a PETA member.
Sheesh, ER, you call yourself observant. :-)
Sheesh, ER, you call yourself observant. :-)
But PETA DOES want red meat banned. They don't want the meat extracted from the cows, in other words. They want the cows to be wild and free!
Id. Iots.
Id. Iots.
But, ER, you're not payin' attention. Anon said it as if it were a bad thing: "What was I thinking, this is America where Christmas, Jesus, red meat, and Apple Pie are soon to be banned."
Damnitalltohell, that's why I said he was being facetious. Dagnab limitations on this form of communication anyway! I give up. :-)
That's not a redneck Christmas ornamentation. A real redneck would have a real deer hanging up there in the correct way with a string of multi-colored xmas tree lights strung around the carcass. No, this is from a suburban wanabe poser redneck.
As to the redneck deer light show, that was made by my sister and brother in law in Minneapolis, Minnesota last year. The funniest thing is that neither one of them hunt and are pretty vegetarian. It's certainly making the internet rounds so if you want to give him credit, you can credit it to C. Robinson, Minneapolis, MN
I think they just made it. Took one of them movin' lawn deer, strung it up, took some red lights and put on the critter, then curled some more red ones up on the ground.
This was not an attempt to be authentic... and it was NOT done in the suburbs! We lived in the suburbs for just over a year and hated it - as well as all those obnoxious light-up deer. So, when we rescued one from a dumpster we decided to string one of those annoying deer up. The full story is here:
South Minneapolis, MN - November 2004
-Charles Robinson
South Minneapolis, MN - November 2004
-Charles Robinson
I'm glad y'all don't live next door to me. I would so not want to explain to my son why people think that killing Rudolph is funny....
Rudolph roast with brown gravy and biscuits! Rudolph tenderloin medallions! Rudolph breakfast sausage and eggs! ;-)
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