Sunday, October 30, 2005


Overheard in the ER household XI

Dr. ER, who has clothing hanging on every available chairback, door and sticky-out thing in the house, in between washing and packing for another bidness trip:

"Cat! You pulled down one of my shirts! You son-of-a-bitch! Shit! Pissant!"




I made a prior recomendation to Dr. ER that she use a squirt gun to rule over the cat. I wish to amend that recomendation. Much better than a squirt gun is canned air. You know the stuff you buy a the computer store or walmart to clean off your computer etc.. It is very effective (cats and dogs)and does not wet or stain anything.
I would like to recommend that Dr. ER show Ice-T the proper respect. They understand a lot more than you know. ;)
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