Monday, October 10, 2005


Livestock update; erudite aspiration

Ice-T (story, photos) is resting comfortably.


Maybe he'll never miss 'em.

Although it took a shoutin' match for us to come to terms, Dr. ER and I have decided to grant him a reprieve, for now. He gets to keep his talons.

But the doc said he would do fine without 'em. He said kitties use their hind claws for defense, and their front claws for offense.

So, if we do later decide to have 'em yanked, Ice-T won't be defenseless -- he'll be offenseless, which is what we want. But I'm going to try the cedar scratchin' post route first.

We'll see.

Next into the critter clinic is Bailey, the po' white trash weenie dog. He's dragging his hind legs once in awhile again. Lower back trouble. Dr. ER is takin' him in this afternoon to have him and his meds checked.

Meanwhile, Riker, the well-bred and regal Pembroke Welsh Corgi, is poutin' out in the back yard. He is getting no attention, which I plan to remedy after awhile. Maybe we'll share a cigar.

That is my planned reward for making major progress on a paper I'm presenting at the Sixth Native American Symposium: Native Women in the Arts, Education and Leadership, one month from today, at Southeastern Oklahoma State University in Durant, Okla.

The paper is a chapter from my master's thesis, with a new top and new bottom. I have avoided working on it all summer. I took off this week to get it in hand, and to do some other things I've been putting off.

So. Hard. To. Get. Going. Must. Not. Let. Blogging. Side. Track. Me ...


I'm glad to hear about the compromise efforts. It's generally a good idea to try the least traumatic options first, since you can always escalate later if you absolutely must.
I'll be sending good wishes to your 'nadless cat. Good luck on the writing exercise -- I think it will be more interesting than my housekeeping blitz this week.
So the doc says:
"... he would do fine without 'em. He said kitties use their hind claws for defense, and their front claws for offense."
Four observations of a cat owner:
1. The Doc is losing money on this, and my Vet feels so strongly about de-clawing that she refuses to do it.
2.The rear claws only come into a fight if the cat is cornered and on its back. Otherwise they can't be used at all. So do you want the kitty to have get that far into a ruckus before he strikes a telling blow?
3. The best defense is often a good offense.
4. Male cats, nadless or no, fight for sex and territory using the front claws only. The rear claws are actually the "deadly" claws used to gut and serously incapacitate.
You've done right my man. Stand your ground I right behind you.....
Glad to hear about the compromise, though sorry about the shouting match.

Make sure and give the kitty extra kitty treats during his recovery :)
Poor sweeties, everyone! 'Nadless Ice-T, droopin' Bailey, mopin' Riker, and scratched up Dr. ER. That's a house full of critters needing ER-ly ministrations.

For the record, my vet refuses to de-claw, as well.
OK. I was the one doin' the shouting; I didn't say it was an "even" shouting match.

The only PETA I support if People Eating Tasty Animals.

And Dr. ER her own self was a faceless stranger -- as I was to her! -- for the first three months of our relationship!

I was going to give myself a stern lecture in the mirror this morning about interfering, but then I just couldn't see it...
Couldn't see giving yourself a lecture, or couldn't see the mirror? ;)
I tried and tried, but I was faceless. It was pretty disturbing!
Trixie? Faceless? Oh my!
(Teditor: Thank you for resisting the temptation of saying "You never looked better!")
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