Wednesday, October 12, 2005


How DO you give a cat a pill?

Google "how to give a cat a pill" and you get a jillion sites with this here funny.

But seriously: How do you give a cat a dadgum pill? Ice-T is NOT amused.


I've always wrapped the cat up in an old towel--takes the claws out of the equation. Cradle the cat, on his back, in your arm like a baby. You might be able to toss it in when he hisses at you. If not, I've had pretty good luck getting it tucked into his cheek. You could try wrapping it in some food, but cats are more delicate eaters than dogs and don't gulp their food like dogs. You might get the pill back sans the food.

It probably goes without saying that it's easier with two people. Good luck! :)
Mash the pill up and mix it in with some 'wet' cat food or tuna.
The pill mixed with food thing works if the pill doesn't taste too nasty--and if the cat's hungry enough to eat the whole thing.

The towel thing, the trick is to wrap the cat TIGHTLY. B/c they'll fight. Get a big towel and wrap it tightest around the cat's neck and shoulders; you want the front legs pushed back against the cat's belly, b/c he'll have less traction that way to get a paw free. Make sure and wrap the back end of the towel around his hind feet so he can't kick his way free, and hold it tightly with your left hand. Then you can basically hoist the cat onto his back using the towel as a handle. Use two fingers of your right hand at the corners of the cat's mouth to get him to open up, throw the pill in as deep as it can go (this is where the second person comes in handy, b/c you've already got one hand holding the towel), and CLOSE THE CAT'S MOUTH with one hand. Keep it closed, stroke the kitty's throat until it swallows. Blowing in the cat's face can help startle it into swallowing something it doesn't want to swallow.

SOME cats you can pill without towelling 'em. But that's the basic technique.
The kitty sure is sweepy today. Is this a longterm consequence of 'nadlessness, or a short-term reaction to the trauma??

I second bitchphd's pill administering method!

He's probably sleepy from the trauma. My cats are usually kind of funny for a day or so after going to the vet.
Yeah, dude, you'd be sleepy too if you'd had general anesthetic and major surgery the day before!
Dr. ER took catmatters into her own hands just now: A towel and a pill soaked in tuna juice and a quick poke down the throat!

Ice-T is no worse for the wear.

Question is, is Dr. ER worse for wear?
She handled it so fast, and without incident, I was amazed.

"Did you try?" she asked.

"Well, yeah, but I needed a third hand."

"Feh. I know how to handle babies, too."

One of many shortcomings of ER havin' got his Bird when she was already 9.

I don't know nothin' about ... no babies. Or babycats either. :-(

Forget it; get a dog wrap the pill in bacon.
See “How to give a cat a pill” in 15 steps at:
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