Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Christian differences

This is remarkably timely. :-)


Edward Fudge
Oct 25, 2005

A gracEmail subscriber writes: "I am concerned that people who claim to follow Jesus Christ do not understand the Bible alike on many topics. Are we right and others wrong, or vice-versa? Whoever is wrong cannot be saved."

* * *

We may turn to Romans chapter 14 when we encounter differences among Christians regarding how best to please the Lord. Believers in the first-century Roman house-churches sharply disagreed concerning vegetarianism (illustrative of issues of personal piety) and the observance or non-observance of special days (illustrative of issues of congregational practice). Paul does not simply take sides in these issues. Instead, he points to three fundamental gospel truths which all Christians believe. Those truths are that Jesus died, that he rose, and that he is coming again. These three truths remind us in turn of three truths about Jesus himself. And those truths about Jesus Christ determine how believers ought to think and act when they reach honest but different convictions about how to please Christ.

Jesus DIED for us, Paul says first -- and he is therefore our SAVIOR. He can (and will) save all who trust in him, no matter which opinions they reach on the matters about which believers in Christ will honestly differ. Second, Jesus ROSE for us -- and he is therefore our LORD. Each true believer must try to please him as best one knows and is able at any time. Third, Jesus is COMING for us -- and he will be our JUDGE. We must live each day knowing we will give account to him. We must also leave the judging of others to him and not try to do it ourselves. "Who are you that judges another man's servant?" Paul asks. "To his own master he stands or falls."

The good news is that God "is able to make [the person] stand" who is wrong in his doctrinal conclusions but who is trusting in Jesus Christ for salvation. That is the only hope any of us has, since not one of us has figured out the truth on every subject and none of us ever will on this earth. Any religious system which speaks otherwise is contrary to the gospel of Jesus Christ and ought to be rejected.

Copyright 2005 by Edward Fudge. Permission hereby granted to reprint this gracEmail in its entirety without change, with credit given and not for financial profit. Are you seeking greater intimacy with the living God and a meaningful life in company with others? Visit our multimedia website at http://www.edwardfudge.com/ .

ER, I am proud of you. (Seriously.)
This post boils Christianity down to it's basic truth.

Everything else is just Legalism, imposed upon Gods plan by Man.

Good job.
Tug, ol' buddy, you will rarely hear me raggin' on fellow Christians for specific doctrines with which I disagree.

You will see me raggin' on some for how the selfish ways they choose to demonstrate their faith.

And you will see me raggin' without much secular mercy at all on the way some righties misconstrue the Gospel, continue to judge others not like themselves in spite of admonitions to the contrary and, well, for being cold-hearted jerks for Jesus.

Some. Some. Some.

"You will see me raggin' on some for how the selfish ways they choose to demonstrate their faith."

A bit judgmental, don't you think?
Any difference in theology is moot as long as we all agree on the main point, and that is the three truths mentioned.

All other discussions are interesting and even fun, but none are reasons over which we should be divided.
ER it’s a good piece and I like the sentiment, but does anyone else see the irony of it? In order to decide how to correctly interpret the bible we are to be guided by… an interpretation of the bible.
Yes liam, an interpretation of the Gospels by a man, Paul, who is atleast two degrees removed from those who wrote them and never met the living Jesus except in a spiritual way. Still the central statement in the last paragraph is the most important, "... God "is able to make [the person] stand" who is wrong in his doctrinal conclusions but who is trusting in Jesus Christ for salvation."
If only .......
I do not judge people's professed relationship with God. I for damn sure do judge the results, or lack thereof. Yes. And the results of my own -- which suck. I'm working on it.

What would ER consider to be results for ER, that ER would think didn't sucked? What would be the results that would be judge negative in ER and others by ER?
Why so hard on yourself?
I've been all faith, no works (for the most part) my whole life. I just don't count going to church, or even "sharing the Gospel" as a "work." Neither is a work. They are the least we can do. I've been taking little steps to remedy that lately.

I ain't been around the office much this week and know this post is a few days past. I agree with what the post says. I know you believe in free speech, so I will excercise mine (even though this is your blog and should not be considered free);

ANONYMISS!! if you don't have the guts to say who you are after making stupid comments you oughta just keep your mouth closed and your thinkin to yourself.

anyway its been a busy week brother, you have a great weekend.
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