Sunday, September 04, 2005


'What have we become?'

I have been speaking the truth, as I see it, not in love, but in anger, in frustration, in contempt, in condemnation.

I am broken. Y'all have been getting a glimpse of a soul in torment. I am repenting of four years of delusion -- and more years than that of estrangement from fellow Jesus people.

Thank all of you for your "support."

I got exactly what I needed in church today: The spirit of humility and awe and wonder. Weeping. Gnashing of teeth. Rhetorical renting of clothing. Collectively shared SHAME.

And an intellectually honest assessment of how totally screwed up we have allowed this country to become culturally, economically -- and politically.

The prayer of confession:

Lord of Life, we weep with the victims of the hurricane, and we are stunned by the suffering that seems to go unattended. In this dark night of our national soul, our commitment to one another is being tested, and our true character is being revealed. Who are we? What have we become? What must we do to be the people you intended? Help us, we pray, to look into the mirror and not blink. In Christ's name, we pray, Amen.

(BTW, Mark, the next cheap shot at Bitch gets deleted; Frenzied, yes, it helped a teensy bit to see the sooners get beaten, but only after OSU squeaked by with a V; Trixie, thanks for your concern and advice; all y'all, let me borrow a phrase from my A.A. friends and apply it to this blog: "Take what you like and leave the rest."


ER, I have apologised to B, and I apologise to you as well. your words are my words, to wit:

"I have been speaking the truth, as I see it, not in love, but in anger, in frustration, in contempt, in condemnation."

You and I both seek to change the other's viewpoints, I think. (If you don't, that's ok, I do.)

I think we can safely say that I am not going to change your viewpoint and you will not change mine.

So lets call it a draw, agree to disagree, shake hands, and remain friends.
Clancy. Thanks. I needed that right then more than you know.

Mark. Peace.

I'm with Clancy. And I hope my arguing with the other commenters hasn't added to your angst.
No way, B. You are a point of light.

Vent away. It's usually better to let it out. I want to thank you for your hospitality in allowing me to comment here. I know that I'm a lot further right of center than most of the folks around here, but I appreciate the air of civility that hangs around your place.

Dr. B - you and I are pretty well polar opposites. Regardless, I enjoy reading your opinions and ideas. The sentiment need not be reciprocated, but I wanted you to know.
Thank you. I'm not one to hold a grudge.
Well, I'm not sure where to start. It is my first time visiting, linked thru Bitch PH.D. and I am impressed with everything encountered.
I read the heated disagreements from Saturday and then read the words of calmed hearts and minds today and have truly been touched.
I like it here and will come back.
Clancy! You make me blush! ;-)
(Question: the two young ladies in the main picture on your site: Is that an image I would remember from somewhere else? It is striking to me for some reason. Especially the blond, but that could be because I knew a girl in Texas who was the spittin' image of here.)

still life: Welcome. It gets damn rowdy around here at times, and while I might appear far from consistent, that's how I find the mean.

(Dr. ER and I were talkin' about that just the other day; she says most people change incrementally, if at all. I tend to hold on to my ideas and Important Thoughts until facts, circumstances out of my control or God Hisself tear them from me.)

I knew THAT was you. I mean the illustration, with the brunet, and the blond looking so earnest -- the first thing I see when I go to your place. :-)
Wow! I KNOW that image. I looked the book up and saw that it came out in '84. I'm positive that my college sweetie had that book! (I'm an '82 high school grad.) Mystery solved! :-)
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