Friday, September 23, 2005


Unintended radio silence

Ice-T has my tongue!

Not really. I'm busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kickin' contest today!

More anon! Maybe!

Hi-ho, Silver, I'm off again!


Thanks, I needed a day off. Wait a minute, is this a ruse to get me to turn off my computer and get behind on all the GOOD STUFF!
shhhhhh.... don't answer that.... be vewwy, vewwy qwiet...
cricket: "chirp, chirp, chirp ..."
ah-ha, caught ye
"More anon!" Yes, anon, anon, anon, into infinity.
My fingers wrote more of a check than my mind could cash today. Too tired to think. Only enough mental energy to read and reflect. No mas today.

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