Saturday, September 10, 2005


" ... a Nixon feel ... "

I've always said President Bush tries to run the country like the managing partner of a Limited Liability Corporation.

He struck me that way the two times I met him whle on a newspaper editorial board during his campaign against Ann Richards in Texas. (Note: My take on the man on a personal level has not changed; my tolerance for Republican policies is OVER.)

The following analysis -- not ment to be detached or "objective" -- shows what happens when that kind of legitimate business approach is applied to government. It ain't pretty.


By Steven Thomma
Knight Ridder Newspapers

WASHINGTON - As President Bush flew last week to the Gulf Coast for his second post-Katrina visit, an aide said the trip reflected Bush's usual routine of "seeing as much as possible and getting information from different places."

Not quite.

Read all about it.

ER, I am confused.
Are you making the case that the Democrats and groups like the AFL-CIO and NAACP are trying to reach out to the President, to try to reach some kind of compromise, and are being ignored by that mean 'ole Bush?

Or are you trying to suggest that he should spend his time arranging meetings with people whose only objective is to call him names, undermine his policies, and try to make him look bad?

I am not in the habit of surrounding myself with people who hate me, nor am I interested in helping them achieve their agendas.

Why should the President be any different?

These groups mentioned in the article have never done anything but oppose the President at every turn, and have called him every name in the book (as long as it was hateful and nasty...) Why should he waste his time and energy by listening to anything they have to say?

I wouldn't.
By the way, ER, one of the things that I have always liked about you is the fact that you have never decended into hateful rhetoric.
Your objections to the policies of republicans in general, and of the President specifically are based upon ideology, not hatred.
For that I respect you very much.
I am never afraid to present my viewpoint to you, nor to thoughtfully consider yours, because I know that you will not personally attack me.
Unfortunately, you are in the minority within your party on that.
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And let's not forget, (whether we be Republican or Democrat...)
George W. Bush is never going to run for public office again.
We neither have to campaign FOR him nor AGAINST him...
Anon -- this one, anyway -- I once was a bouncer in a brand-new dancehall, in Texas. It was murder, beause every asshole who had been thrown out of every other bar in town was welcome, of course, because he'd never been barred.

That's where you are tonight. But you've worn out your welcome, and what follows is why. Not your thinking, but your personal attack. God forgive me, but fuck you. Go away. I don't doubt your familiarity with issues. I know you don't know jack shit about me, personally. So. Good-bye.

High tolerance. Not total.

"You've proved you don't have a clue of what makes the country, or world go round. I bet you have never had a job that produced a single thing. The biggest problem you've ever had to deal with is a cutback on paper clips or printer paper."

-- ER
Tug, what I'm saying is that if should stop being president of just the people who voted for him, and be president of the United States.

"His style of isolating himself from unwelcome voices pleases his core supporters, who don't want him to compromise, but it sacrifices the broader public appeal that helped Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton weather second-term setbacks. One new poll, from the independent Pew Research Center, suggests he is losing support even from Republicans and conservatives."

I agree with this REPUB (descedent of the man who led Shays' Rebellion, BTW):

"To Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Conn., the Bush administration's response to Katrina suggested 'a real sense of arrogance. Loyalty and never admitting a mistake matters more than the truth. It has a Nixon feel to me.' "

So, yeah. If he is president of the United States, and not just prewident of the right wing of the Republican Party, he has to grow some balls and sit across the table from his effing political enemies, not just political sycophants.

Grrr. I mean,

Tug, what I'm saying is that HE should stop being president of just the people who voted for him, and be president of the United States.

Holy crap. 31 laps to go. Bye.

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Anon, I didn't like it either.
That ain't the way we play here. If that last comment is the best you can do, then go away.
You hurt MY cause with idiocy like that, and I would have deleted you too.
Freedom of speech does not give you license to be an asshole, just as deleting your comment from his own blog does not make ER guilty of censorship.
You can write whatever you want on your own blog, but ER has the absolute right to control the content of his.
Tug, thanks for watchin' my bloggin' back. You bein' on his side, generally, it means something.

(And it reminds me of the friends of the assholes I used to throw out of the bar who would come back and say, "Dude, I don't blame ya. He was out of line." :-) )

Back to the point: It HURTS to see yer guy compromise, I know. Back when Bubba was president of the United States, it killed me to see him take on welfare reform, although the changes, in retrospect, were not crazy ones.

SHAFTA, however, is another thing. Bad deal then. Bad then now.

You don't think Clinton did all that for his BASE, do ya? He did it because he chose to be president of the United States, not just president of the liberal wing of the Democratic Party.

Racewise, My man, Harvick, came in 10th. Junior was like 21st or so. Richmond rocks, nonetheless.

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Oh, and I don't blame him for dissing the NAACP. What assholes.

Y'all, an Anonymous has popped a gasket. He's in a rage unlike my own the other day, in that he is attacking me personally.

He/she wonders: "but I can't be open with my thoughts?"

Right. Not when you keep attacking me personally, a topic you can't possibly know anything about. So, buh-bye!

I'm hittin' the sack. He/she will be cheeerfully deleted when I come back, if she/he keeps showin' his/her arse. :-)

Oh, censorshop is by the government, by the way. Freedom of the press extends to the ones who own the press. Mine -- this blog -- belongs to Google and Blogger, but they let me use it, to treat as my own.


Well, ER, anyone should be able to make their point without resorting to those tactics, no matter what their viewpoint is.
I find stuff like that distasteful, no matter if it comes from the left or right.
I believe that Clinton was trying to be the "People's President", and was more worried about his legacy than about doing what he felt was right for his country.
I am no fan of Bill Clinton.
While I have a few problems with GWB, I do believe him to be an honest and good man, and i believe that he tries to do what he thinks is best.
Not just for him personally, or politically, but for the Country.
Within that context, I do not blame him at all for disregarding his critics. If the comments of his critics were offered with an attitude of sincere, constructive criticism, then maybe he would pay more attention.
But as long as the criticism he recieves is no better (and in most cases worse) than the personal attacks that you just now recieved at the hands of that brave and virtuous Anonymous asshole, then I do not blame the President for disregarding that criticism, right along with the critics who offer it.
They are not honestly trying to help.
Boy, the Dickel was talking at 9:28pm last night wasn't it!
Now everyone:
Who do you think should run and win in 2008. Don't be bashful step up and give me a name.
I'll print it and hang it on the wall so 11 years from now I can see who wasted a vote.
No vote is ever wasted, Anonymous.
Well, Clionton WAS trying to be the "People's President." Yes. Exactly. And GWB is trying to be rich white people's president. That's my take on it.

And, I think the most successful "talking point" every conuured up by the livid right wing was that Clinton was more worried about his "legacy" than he was what was good for the country. Bull.

RebAngel, we should write songs!

I'm torn between Rudie of New York and Huckabee of Arkansas.
Rudie was on CNN this morning and was asked why 9/11 was handled better than New Orleans. His reply "It was a 5 mile radius and I had 41,000 police officers and 11,000 fireman that I could draw on". "This disaster is 90,000 square miles".
Huckabee had 2 helicopters and guardsmen headed that way before they were requested.
And, I know you won't beleive this but I don't know either ones party.
I just don't pay any attention to it, unless someone is griping and then I look for the (R) or (D).
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CNN has been interviewing Governors and members of the 9/11 commission all day. So far it looks like when the report on Katrina comes out in a couple of years there will be more fingers pointing South than North.
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RE: "And, I think the most successful "talking point" every conuured up by the livid right wing was that Clinton was more worried about his "legacy" than he was what was good for the country. Bull."

Exactly. Bull.
The best and most successful "talking point" that Democrats ever thought up is the malarkey about Republicans not caring about anybody but rich white people.
If you really believe that, then I honestly do not know what to say to you.
I thought that you had a little better handle on things than that, ER...
Hey Tugboatcap, did you every hear this joke about Clinton: "Bill Clinton would rather climb a tree and tell a lie than stand there and tell the truth". I think that pretty much sums up the 8 years of Bill Clinton snakeoil administration.
OK, Tug, I take back the "white" part. That was out of line. And the "rich" part was a little hyperbole on my part. But not much.

Just as the following is hyperbole, but not much: The Democratic is anti-buisness.

Well, no, but it *looks* that way sometimes. Just like it *looks* like the Repub party is just for the rich.

Also, I let the Anon get to me last night, and I dropped an F-bomb. I shouldn't have. S/he deserved to be bounced, but s/he didn't deserve to be punched in the face like that in the process, and I apologize for that, and I apologize for getting blood on any bystanders.

JOHN EDWARDS surfaces on CNN.
Where's Al Gore? Waiting for the smoke to clear, I hope.
I guess I'm gonna have to git me a damn name. Some Anonymous asshole is ruining my good name! I guess by going out for the night I missed some good stuff.
I would dearly love to see what people are saying that they delete even their own comments!

I am thinking of creating a post wherein I explain exactly what I have against Clinton.

It isn't what you probably think. In fact, I have never heard anyone express the same objection I have to him.
Well, I deleted one of my own 'cause it totally made no sense after I had deleted an Anon one.

Well, ER, you met him, I didn't. But my favorable impression of Bush was sealed when he commented on the swift boat veterans during the last presidential campaign.

He graciously spoke of his admiration and appreciation for Kerry's sevice in 'Nam. Now, that's a class act in my opinion.
your boat rc tug blog is great thanks
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