Wednesday, September 14, 2005


'Kids being home-churched'

The Onion, as usual, is a satirical riot this week. The following is particularly hilarious to me.

I've never understood the attacks on public schools by certain elements of the Religious Right. Removing children from community schools, if done for so-called religious reasons, is an act of fear, not faith. Plus, it removes the Christian influence from an important part of the mission field, doesn't it?


"I couldn't believe that the liberal elite had infiltrated even the study of our Holy Scriptures," said Norville Tucker, who moved his family to the woods outside Shelby, AL, in 1998 to "escape the damaging cultural influences of urban Mobile."

Tucker said: "It was bad enough that my youngsters were being taught evolution in public schools, but when I discovered they were learning to embrace foreigners and Big Government in Sunday school, I drew the line."

Read all about it.

Don't forget: Jesus is a liberal. :-)

You getting too lazy to write new stuff so you're on hiatus running "The Best of ... E.R."?

For shame.
MeanAnonymous is masquerading as Trixie!

There is a pithy remark meant to spark debate at the top of this very post! So, pbhth! :-)

And now me and Ice-T, the cat, also known as Sweet Tea, also known as Catmeat, are going back to the couch to continuing reading:

Adam Rome, "The Bulldozer in the Countryside: Suburban Sprawl and the Rise of American Environmentalism" (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001).

(Yawn.) It is interesting history, written in an uninteresting manner.

Oh come on! I wadn't being mean! I was saying that we've had a week of summer reruns and we need the Fresh Prince of E.R. to return with new essays and stuff.

I love the Onion piece. Maybe I'll start the Church of Mean Trixie. No one else may join because it'll be a private home church.
Trixie, don't concern yourself with ER's tactic. He's just tryin' to get one thing: More posts so that his ego can be stoked even more.

Geez. How pathetic.

:-) With friends ike y'all ... :-)

Got too much goin' wrong 'round here, it seems, to put much real thought into anything. Seems like I'm in "react" mode.

I'll get back in the saddle before long ...

Well, ya'llrighty then...

I'll put my pointy-toed shoes away and reserve them for high holy days (after cleaning them off. I used them a lot this morning.)
When "Art" imitates "Life".
You mean this was a JOKE? When my first real girl-friend, Peggy Sue Miracle, broke up with me in 1961, it was because her mother made her. You see, I belonged to a church that had air conditioning (swamp coolers) and a piano and she and I therefore were of "different faiths". Actually, I belonged to a church that did not allow dancing, did not allow boys and girls to swim together, and preached against the evil that Elvis had brought down to earth. But I was too liberal for Peggy Sue's mother who was an Elder in the Primative Baptist Church in our town.
What I think is that the Eastern elite that write the humour for "The Onion" don't really know their America. Even in 2005, if you dig deep enough into Oklahoma, Arkansas, Montana, Utah, or a dozen other states and this story and these quotes can be real.
Oh baby! You don't even have to DIG to find this in Oklahoma!
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