Thursday, September 08, 2005


Happy happy, joy joy!

Today only! This post only! Gratitude and happiness as free as you want to make it!

Name a couple or three things yer happy about or grateful for.

It's OK. Really. More of the world is in good shape than bad. It's true! Including all the little points and places here and there that help us get by when the electronic boxes in our lives want us to think otherwise.

I'll start.

Bird seems happy and content at college, with classes that are challenging her but (apparently) not freaking her out, and with her new Yankee boyfriend(?).

Dr. ER has found a form of treatment that gives her relief from hurtin' and actually has her chipper sometimes. In Dallas. Like, a 23-minute flight or something. Which means she gets to get away for herself when she's able to do so. (Go read her thoughty essays and look at her excellent photography, if you haven.t!)

Myself? I weigh too much, which means I'm well-fed. I'm dry. My truck runs. The house doesn't leak. The dogs love me. And a stinkin' cat even.

And world events of the past week or so have driven me back, again -- again! again! -- to the Cross, face first. Jesus. Not the Christian-industrial complex. Jesus and a congregational church. Go y'all, therefore, and find Him. He ain't far.

I'll never forget what a preacher used to say when I was growing up: "We should consider ourselves living sacrifices. Problem is, livin' sacrifices tend to crawl off the altar!" Amen. And how. Boy howdy.

Y'allses' turn.

WARNING: Assness, smart, silly and otherwise, as well as snark of any kind, will be cheerfully deleted from this post. No politics. Keep it personal. Keep it real.


Clear skies, Fall coming on, Full stomach, American by birth, Southern by the Grace of God, Southern Baptist, Family who loves me, and, God loves me no matter what side I'm on.
Well, I took Trixie's advice. I backed off for a couple of days - no internet (with the exception of MLB box scores) and no TV. It was just working me up too much. There is just too much devisiveness. So, I came on-line today and saw this post. Thanks ER.

What I am thankful for:
My wife.
My two boys.
The fact that I am employeed and can support my family.
The grace of Christ.
The FL panhandle was spared from Katrina.
People who can disagree but still get along.
Oh yeah - I'm thankful that football season has finally started - CFB last weekend, NFL tonight.
I'm most grateful right now that I'm going to be going to Vancouver, Washington, with a friend at the end of October. We have been friends since high school and we're going to go see our high school journalism teacher. I'm having a blast with planning the trip. This teacher changed our lives forever for the better.

I'm also grateful that fall is coming on. The anticipation of cooling days is one of my favorite things in the world. Harvest season reminds me to be grateful for all the wonderful things God provides us -- everything we could ever possibly need and more.

I'm grateful to have multiple opportunities to help others -- not just hurricane victims, but people an arm's length from me who are suffering terrible personal losses, broken hearts, broken vows.

I'm grateful to enjoy creative gifts like music and photography.

I could go on but I won't right now.
PK is great and he starts school tomorrow.

My meds seem to be working.

We're having nice late summer/early fall weather.

Despite everything, I'm managing to support my family.

I have good friends and people who love me, and who I love.

The arc of history bends toward justice.
Sometimes just being able to sit in the sun makes it all worthwhile.
I am grateful for the recent Hurricane, oddly, because it has caused me to re-evaluate myself, and revealed to me what a pathetic little creature I am. (see my post of today)

I have learned one of life's great lessons from it. That was worth the pain, to me.

I am happy that I have a wonderful loving woman in my life, who loves me in spite of myself.

Good friends, good food, a place to live, clothes to wear, and a God who has made it all possible.

"Ad astra, per aspra"
And the NFL. Go Chiefs! Gawd, I missed the football season!
oops excuse me. I meant "ad astra per aspera"
I'm so thankful for the many friends who have been so supportive of me through good times and bad.

I'm overjoyed with my family, most of whom has grown together better than ever since my mother's death five years ago.

I'm fascinated by the love of my life, Lynette, whom I've known for four years but has become my greatest joy because of her love, her care and her tremendous support. With God leading our lives, I see wonderful things in our futures.

Joy is sometimes a mysterious thing, but I've had more joy since escaping a miserable work situation six weeks ago, and my faith in God and the faith my friends and family have in me have ben a driving force behind that joy. I am truly blessed
Roof over my head
(sounds dumb I know, but when you don't have these things, you get thankful for 'em)

I usually only stop by once a day if that. But ER you made a statement that I had to reread (And world events of the past week or so have driven me back, again -- again! again! -- to the Cross, face first. Jesus. Not the Christian-industrial complex. Jesus and a congregational church. Go y'all, therefore, and find Him. He ain't far.)

I want that. I want back to the cross face first. Sadly, I am not too sure how to get that back. The Passion (movie) has done it before. But i want to be moved with compassion again. And back to Jesus
Good stuff, y'all!
Pech, it's desperation -- and the profound exhaustion that eventually hits you from trying to carry your own load, let alone anyone else's -- that drives me back.

This is the first time I've ever felt like I was on my face, though. I mean, I couldn't-wouldn't stop at my knees. I headlined something the other day, "Ye Who Are Weary Come Home." That's where I got to.

THEN, I get compassion. And the other stuff! And I'm not talking surface stuff or emotions. I'm still pissed. I'm still as effed up as ever -- in some ways more so. But the most recent round of healing has begun in my stupid ol' stubborn-ass heart. (Or ass-heart, ha).

And I'm not talking about piety, or doctrine or theology, although a lifetime of sporadic study of all three informs it all. In fact, I'm not talking about anything I picked up in terms of social mores and customs from growing up in a Baptist Church. It's a whirlwind of 41 years of life, 33 years as a believer, and 5 years of some kind of PTSD after 9/11 that is going on in my head and heart.

As much cussing as praying. See Sonny in "The Apostle" wheh nhe is in his upstairs room fighting with God. That's where I was right before I started picking dirt out of me teeth. And I keep getting up and fightin' and getting slammed back down.

Not making sense. ... Another adventure in a nearly lifelong spiritual sojourn ...
I am surrounded by good people. They're people who I feel good doing the right things for, and I strongly suspect would be there for me when and if the roof caves in.
2. See the last item on Bitch PhD's post.
I wake up each and every morning and say, "I'm a lucky man." And no mater how bad it gets, I mean it.
I like that motto, "The Stars, Our Destination", assuming I didn't mistranslate that. I keep it with me.
And I have long joked that I'm going to market a t-shirt that reads, "American by birth, Oregonian because I'm smarter than you", except I worry that most folks might think I'm being serious.
Nice idee, 'Neck.
Re, "The arc of history bends toward justice."

B. I b'lieve that is the most prfound thing I've ever heard from you. Very cool. :-)
This was a brilliant idea, ER.
Just one more reason that when I grow up, I wanna be JUST LIKE YOU!!

The thing that I am most thankful for is the fact that about 3 years ago, I finally figured out how to overcome the emptiness and lonesomeness that I had lived with my whole adult life, and I stopped looking for the woman that I THOUGHT I wanted, and began to pray for God to send me to the one that HE had prepared for me.
He did.
We have been married for 23 months now, and while these have not been easy months, we have made it through, and I wouldn't have if it weren't for her.
She is the one thing in my life that makes me the most happy.
But not the only thing.
In March of 2004, The Lord thought seriously about calling me home, but changed his mind at the last minute, and let me live through a horrible Truck wreck. I totaled a brand new Kenworth, and trailer, was out of work for almost four months, and was afraid that I would never drive trucks again.
But I followed my faith and the leadership of God to Florida, and He immediately began to bless me.
I am thankful that I was smart enough to listen when it counted.
This was a great post!
Tug, Amen.

There is a reason that you and I fight like brothers.
THanks ER I needed to hear that. I think maybe I am getting to that point of exhaustion.

Great comment. It made me thankful also for my wife. We sometimes don't see eye to eye and I think, "What in the world have I done. Why could I not have married someone else." I become ole Adam and say, "Lord, why did you give this woman to me." But then I read comments like yours and I just say thank ya Lord, you know better what I need than I know myself.
Nice postings from all. But I would like some red meat tomorrow!
Doggone it, you galoots. I sure wish I had a man of my own saying nice things about me the way y'all are talking about the dear women in your lives. I'll just have to keep trusting Him to know best and have the best in mind for me.
Well, We all love you, Trixie...
Rich, close..."to the stars through difficulty"
I'm thankful for a dear hubby that makes me the envy of my friends--really--they've told me so. :) He's a good provider, loves me in spite of myself, loves to spend time with our son, is a faithful servant of God.

Also thankful for a great son who wants to do well at everything he tries, that he puts his arm around my shoulders even in the middle of the store, right out in public! He still kisses me good night with the same routine we've had since he moved up to a "big boy bed." I'm also grateful for the good friends he has to help him stay strong under peer pressure.

I'm grateful for my back feeling good again, and that the answer to making it better was to keep moving. (It would have made me nuts to just sit with so much needing to be done in so many areas!)

I'm grateful for good friends that don't want to keep track of the favors we do for each other. We just do for each other when asked.

I'm especially grateful for a particular friend at the moment who is helping us buy furniture at her wholesale price so we can get the things we need to make our home a comfortable place for friends and relatives to visit.

I'm grateful I love my in-laws. (Okay, I tolerate my father-in-law, but that's an improvement in our relationship.) My mother-in-law makes me envious of Dear Hubby that I didn't have her for my mom. It's no wonder DH turned out so well! And, I love every one of DH's siblings--EVERY ONE of the nine of them.

I'm most grateful for my Savior, his suffering in the Garden so that I could repent, and the sacrifice of his life so we could all live again.
I am grateful for that Jesus you
spoke of..I am sooo grateful for
Deer boy and my little Princess.
For a husband who works hard and
is a good father.
For eternal friends, who love
me even when I puke in there
I am thankful for all the things
the 1st anonymous post..
Clear Skies, Fall coming on, Full
stomach, American by birth, Southern by the Grace of God,
Southern Baptist, Family who loves
me, and God loves me no matter what
side I'm on...well said friend..
Long time no blog, Jeannie Diane! Come back more often! :-)
This was such a great post. I've really enjoyed reading this. I'm grateful for so many things I don't know where to start...

I'm grateful for my back porch and the view from it of moon and stars between the weeping willows...I love this view.

I'm grateful for the two dogs laying on my feet -- a collie mix and a bloodhound who thinks he's a lap dog...

And I'm grateful for my old Firebird sitting in the driveway, gracefully rusting but still able to stir up a little red dust on these dirt roads now and then..

I'm grateful for my two best friends I've known since the third grade. It's good to know someone's always got my back, even when I'm dead wrong and acting like an idiot.

I'm grateful my Mama's alive and well and right down the road, even if I do have to make my boyfriend hide his car when he, uh, stays for breakfast.

And, I'm grateful for a man who understands me and still loves me anyway.

And I'm grateful for a chance to express all of this and focus on something positive. Thanks, ER!

Angle, you are a poet. This, especially, should be a line in a song:

"I'm grateful my Mama's alive and well and right down the road, even if I do have to make my boyfriend hide his car when he, uh, stays for breakfast."


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