Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Grand Old (Spending) Party

Let your yeas be yeas and your nays be nays. Let your libs be libs and your cons be cons. Let your Dems be Dems and your Repubs be Repubs.

Here's another reason the current occupant of the White House is a travesty, to the country and his own party.


By Stephen Slivinski
The Cato Institute

President Bush has presided over the largest overall increase in inflation-adjusted federal spending since Lyndon B. Johnson. Even after excluding spending on defense and homeland security, Bush is still the biggest-spending president in 30 years. His 2006 budget doesn’t cut enough spending to change his place in history, either.

Read all about it.

This is one of the most grievous examples of how the neo-conservatives have hijacked the GOP. It was just a decade (+/-) ago that the Replublicans gained control of both houses of Congress. I can still see Newt outlining a balanced budget as part of their so-called 'Contract With America'. Somehow it all went wrong.

A split in the GOP is coming. The true conservatives like myself will pull away from the neo-cons. Will it be in 2006 or 2008? Later even? Who knows? I am afraid it will take the Democrats regaining control of the federal government before the Republican party gets back to its roots of true conservatism (fiscally, foreign-relations wise, border security/immigration control, etc.)
I am all for a split in both parties. Let crazy left go, and leave moderate-conservative Dems. Let the Repubs peel off the neo-cons. But then, who do the moderate-conservative Dems dance with? Probably whatever's left of traditional brownshoe Republicanism.

I can't disagree with that one. President Bush resembles a liberal in fiscal matters for sure.
Actually, Marlk, he does not resemble a liberal in fiscal matters. He's charting his own stupid, dangerous course and his drones are letting him.

We tax and spend and tax and spend and tax and spend. Damn straight. That's what government does.

He borrows and spends and borrows and spends and borrows and spends -- just like Reagan, but worse.

Which means another dang Democrat will have to be hired on to clean up the place, and probably even to finish this stupid war.

Like I've said repeatedly, the right wing so hates government it doesn't how to use it. Not even to fight a war. Dems do war well because it's the ultimate act of GOVERNMENT, and we actually LIKE government as the collective expression of We, the People.

The (D)’s better change course if they want to win in either 06 or 08. They’re going to teach Bush a lesson all right. They keep piling up in front of the camera saying we want to take back the mean OLE Bush tax cut. Which means, vote for us and we’ll raise taxes. We’ll repeal the drug benefit for Medicare. Which means, vote for us and we’ll take your medicine away from you. I mean what is wrong with these people. Do they ever go back and watch what they look like on TV. And then when one of them starts doing better in the polls and looking like they could win in 08 the rest of them stab him in the back. The (R)’s at least are team players
It's all how you say it. The tax cuts were insane, they are insane, and they will be insane for the foreseeable future.

The R's won't be a team for long. Let the Repub backstabbing begin.

Ok, you’ve proved you don’t know anything about economics. nuff said
Nuff said my ass. This is the ultimate test of trickle-down BS. And it will fail. Mainly because it -- so aptly called "voo doo" economics by Bush 41 -- doesn't take the intangibles of quality of life into account.

If you want to elaborate, please do. Anybody can use the word economics in a sentence and sound all confident and smart.

This particular 'anonymous' must be in a way higher tax bracket than I am, if he/she be so concerned about it not being continued. And yes I can use economics in a sentence and sound confident and smart and I'll get back to you on that next week.
As a point of interest the Cato Institute is not conservative, it is libertarian. They have no use for either the D's or the R's or government except that they/it protects their property and lives. Bush has left them behind on both counts, but Kerry wouldn't have been their boy either.
The last comment is by Drlobojo. Recently ER more than a few of my post on which I have placed my name have come anonymous.
True, about the orientation abou the Cato Institute. That's kakes 'em at least a detached third-party source.

That "voodoo econ" was what Clinton floated on for 8 years. It wasn't Clinton's econ, it was Reagan's.
Tax cuts are not insane. Tax cuts combined with rising spending is insane. Government (federal) spending should be cut to a level to match the tax cuts. To this end, ALL special interest spending should be cut. Aid to foreign states should be drasticly cut (if not terminated all together). The New Deal should be scrapped. None of these things are what the federal government should fund. They need to get back to the business of defense (which includes protecting our borders and controlling immigration), the negotiation of foreign treaties, and the regulation of trade. What we have now is not what the Framers intended.

If the respective state/local governments want to pick up the slack, well that's fine. They can raise their own taxes and do what they will.
Rem, dude, it's 2005, not 1805.

Nope it's not 1805, but what will it be in 25 years? Let's extrapolate:
It is 2030 and the China-French-Brazilian Space consortium has just formally claimed the three largest (almost moon sized) asteroids between the Earth and Mars as its private property. Here they are reaching out from these bases into the asteroid fields and are mining millions of tons of mobilium, exonderite, and walmarterite, all unkown minerals back in 2005, but now essential to space travel and the oil free economy of today. ( a pound of exonderite can power the Toyota SUV-motor home combo-twin with auxillery motor cycles or min-cars for over 100,000 miles at a cost of under $0.50 per mile). The United States of couse, under it latest Federalist rulings by the Roberts Court is precluded from expenditures for space travel, R&D, etc. of any sort at the national level. Most of the once American Corporate entities have move entirely of shore. Many of former American Companies are actually based on the giant city-platforms, built of walmarterite and powered by exonderite) now floating in the artic oceans which are free of ice and provide extrodinary stable platforms on which to live free of Nationalistic Governments(and their taxes). America however is now one of Earth's prime tourist destinations with its 36 Disney theme parks and 256 Six Flags resort cities, not to mention the 658 Tiger Woods Golf courses, all with climate controlled domes. All of the above, of course, owned and operated by the Microsoft,Ben Landin, Wong & Bush corporation since 2010. And there is more.....
Here, here!


To the best of my knowledge, the Constitution of the United States of America does not have an expiration date.
True. But it's not locked in time, either -- and ain't that the crux of every argument we've had since John Marshall got all uppity!

Does anyone know who coined the term "Living Constitution" in reference to the U.S. Constitution and what they ment at the time? (This is a real question by the way?)
Seems to me it was language in a SCOTUS decision itself. But I'm not sure.

DadGUM it, I love when I find that some factlet like that has managed to stick in my mind. It's from a case in 1958.

Go here:

Well, I was a little quick with my trigger finger. The CONCEPT is spelled out in that case, but I'm not sure the phrase "living constution" is in there.

It's probably, ahem, in the, ahem, penumbra.

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