Wednesday, August 10, 2005


ER: an "ardent rightwinger"?

A lurker who is a friend of my wife told her he was readin' this blog last night and asked her, afterward, if I was an "ardent rightwinger," based on same.

Do what?

Could be that he saw that I mentioned the president the other day without cursing him, that I dare admire things rural and Southern, as I have been doin' since Friday with my unabashed love for all things "Dukes of Hazzard," or the mere fact that the other day I put up an image of the Stars and Bars, the national flag of the Confederacy.

None of which makes me either liberal or conservative, let along leftwing or rightwing. If I were rich, I'd be ecccentric But I'm not, so I'm just odd, or "hard to classify."

For the record, again: Conservative Democrat.

And, I'm an ardent contrarian. But y'all, please weigh in with yer own thoughts.


Oh, I agree 100% with the "ardent contrarian" part. :)
I think you're a hick and are dang proud of it. :-)
Good grief! The guy can't possibly be a regular lurker to even ask that question! Maybe english isn't his first language, or perhaps redneck english is too difficult for him? ;)
Yep. Contrarian for sure. I don't know about conservative, though I concede you do have some conservative points, But then, I am very conservative so I can't judge fairly.
I'm thinking of having some caged grudge matches between books. I'd pit Christopher Hitchens' "Letters to a young contrarian" up against Dinesh D'Souza's "Letters to a young conservative", or C.S. Lewis's "Mere Christianity battles Bertrand Russell's "Why I am not a Christian".
It'd be fun. Y'oughta read that Hitchens book, though. He sorta has a point where he says that being a contrarian is not a fixed ideological point, and is more than just bitching about everything. It serves a point, and gets thing said that need saying, and are not being said.
Babbling. Sorry.
Dude, it depends on your perspective. From my pov you're pretty right wing ;)

But, of course, in a GOOD way.
Ha! Now, if I can get Nick Toper to chime in, I will achieve karmic balance! ... Wait, Frenzied, a proud foot soldier of the right wing, already did!

That means I'm an ardent moderate.

That's my buddy, Nick!

Since I believe the political continuum is a circle, not a line, if you and B would turn around, y'all'd probably be rubbin' noses. The rest of us are also-rans compared to you two. :-)

Hee hee.

Oh, have I mentioned that Jessica Simpson is a total, total babe?

LOL. You realize, of course, that I am in fact rather conservative by nature and by no means as far left as you think I am. It's just that "moderate" now means what "right" used to mean, and "liberal," which used to be the center, is now somehow a dirty word. Which is, of course, ridiculous, as the very existence of this country is founded on liberal ideals, but now I'm going to start that previous thread going again...
This will make my regular righty readers heads explode, but I pretty much agree with B's assessment of how the labels have changed in our lifetime.

Of course, all ends of all extremes have gone "out there." My economic views, which used to be mainstream Dem, are now considered rightwing by the left and leftwing by the right. My socio-cultural views, too, are seen as "not far enough along," by both extremes, depending on yer point of view.

Kay. Sir. Rah. I yam what I yam. :-)
Hey, Nick.

Somewhere today I saw where some conservative group was backing off its support for SCOTUS nominee Roberts. Now I can't find it. Please post a link if you have one.
My head hurts and I am getting dizzy! Someone make it stop!
Have I mentioned that ER is a total, total hunk?
Dr. ER said, "My question would a, 'a hunk of what?' "

Dear Jessica:

Your little comment does not fit
Yo, you tiny brain must be full of it.

O.J. Simpson

I think I have acquitted myself quite well, thankyouverymuch (if you get my drift).

p.s. You must be jealous of ER, because you slammed him more than you did me in that remark!

(Full disclosure: I am NOT related to O.J. Simpson, even though I may resemble his deceased former wife!)
Dr. ER has a mean streak!
This is true. :-)
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