Tuesday, July 19, 2005


White House flip-flop

This is so stupid it makes my head hurt.


From The AP
via CNN

CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- There's a flip-flop controversy at the White House, and this one has nothing to do with President Bush and John Kerry.

Read all about it.

I'm really laughing over this one. DH had a flip-flop controversy at work not too long ago.

He's the CFO of his company and heads up the office and accounting staff. He recently fired a receptionist for various reasons, one being that she wore inappropriate attire to work, and she couldn't seem to understand the problem. That turned into an attitude problem as well, which was the main reason she was fired.

What started the whole chain of events was the day that she wore flip-flops to work. I asked DH if he was sure she was wearing flip-flops, as there are a lot of fancy ones out there these days. Yep, they were flip-flops, and it didn't matter how nice they were.

I find it interesting that the one player wanted to be "comfortable." Give me a break--you're visiting THE PRESIDENT, for pete's sake! Life isn't always about comfort. Get over it and show some respect.
Geeeez. The world is going to hell in a handbasket and the American media is holding the handle, and someone is concerned about the choice of footwear at the White House? Give me a break.
Yep, Mark, I'm worried about footwear at the White House. It's indicative of bigger issues that contribute to the path the country is taking. Sometimes it's the small things that turn out to be the catalyst.
There's a time and place for all types of clothing. If I was the Mama of one of the young ladies, I would not be happy. I'm not a big fashion hound, but I would hope to instill a sense of appropriate attire for such occasions.

That being said, my minister, at the closing of the service a couple of weeks ago, as the acolyte was carrying the light from the sanctuary, said, "I love summer and the sound of an acolyte wearing flip-flops!" The congregation applauded. Many of the men have left behind their suits, button-up shirts and ties, and in some cases opt for Bermuda shorts and polo shirts. I'm just glad they're still coming during the summer.
But the dress code for the Lord's house is a little different than the White House.
What I thought was stupid was that these young woman, who were being recognized for their sports ability, were given grief for their choice of footwear, in July, in D.C.
Well yeah, for sure... there's still a war going on, if we need things to complain about. Still, MY girl would be wearing real shoes at the White House. (Does it matter that I don't have a girl??)
Does anyone else have to log in to post comments? Just in the past day or two it seems like Blogger doesn't want to remember me. Is it something I said??
Just because there's a war on, or other more pressing issues, doesn't mean other things don't matter. Should we forego table manners at the White House, too, just because more serious things are happening?
No, Frenzied.

At a state dinner, there is a certain level of manners and protocol that should be followed. But at a Texas barbecue on the South Lawn, there is a different standard -- for guests' dress as well as their manners.

At a meeting of substance, I'm a suit-and-tie guy all the way. But a photo-op does not rise to the level where these young ladies appearing in their summer dresses and sandals is something that anyone should be ashamed of.
Yeah, I'm with ER on this one. (Is that a first?)
This wouldn't even have been a story except for the dual meaning of the term "flip-flop."
ER, this is why I love ya...I would never have even known of this horrible scandal were it not for your tireless devotion to uncovering the hot stories!
I do my best.
Where I work, no flip-flops, sandals, fabric top or open-toed shoes in the lab or the hospital floor, but that's all about safety, not fashion (bare chemicals on the toes are NOT fun).

Those young women looked fine to me; they were neat, clean, and appropriately dressed. Also, they were tourists, not employees.

And I'm old enough to remember when flip-flops were called something else -- that story would have been even sillier if "thongs" had been used instead of "flip-flops".
LOL. I guess I was on the tail-end of the thing-means-shoes era. I remember when people started talking about "thong" bikinis. Imagine the mental image I got.
Yep, I remember them being "thong slippers" when I was a wee child. I've never really liked calling them "flip-flops" and I really, really dislike "thong" now being something that creeps up where the sun don't shine.
I beg to differ, Jodie, they were not tourists, they were guests of the President.

And, ER, the season has nothing to do with it, you dress to fit the occasion, only taking weather into consideration so you don't do harm to yourself, such as freeze to death. Dress shoes wouldn't have killed them in DC in the summer.

I guess I'll just remain over on my side with their family members who were also dismayed at their lack of discernment. ;)
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