Monday, July 18, 2005


Slow news day at FOTF

I want to see how they've rewritten the Word of God to eliminate the sexual content, nudity and language.


U.S. Senator Appears in Sleazy Movie

Sen. John McCain has a cameo in a film that garnered an
R-rating for sexual content, nudity and language, Creators
Syndicate reported.

McCain explained his appearance in "Wedding Crashers,"
which premiered over the weekend, as just for fun.

"It impressed my kids," he said.

The Arizona Republican once took Hollywood to task for
making R-rated movies and marketing them to teens.

He's considered by some to be a front-runner for the
Republican presidential nomination in 2008.

TAKE ACTION: If you'd like to let Sen. John McCain know
what you think about his appearing in "Wedding Crashers,"
you can send e-mail through the CitizenLink Action Center:

I myself just sent a line telling The Only Certifiable Hero in Public Life Today that I thought it was a harmless thing to do.


I think you've actually been brainwashed. Don't drink any Kool-Aid up there!
Oh, and as I've said many times: The Christian faith is puzzling enough with a triune God; those who deify the Bible 1., make things even more confusing for nonbelievers, and 2., are sort of idolators. So, eh, I compared the guide book to the faith with a (probably) cheezy bad movie.
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