Monday, July 11, 2005


Rich Bachelor's book meme

Rich Bachelor's participation in the book meme goin' around sparked him to ask some questions of his own.

"What was the last book someone bought for you?"

For Father’s Day, Dr. ER and Bird got me a short stack: “Is Your Straight Man Gay Enough? The Ultimate Renovation Guide,” by Nan Shipley and Jason Anthony. “Me Talk Pretty One Day,” by David Sedaris. “The Complete Book of Confederate Trivia: Over 4,000 Questions and Answers,” by J. Stephen Lang. “Novel History: Historians and Novelists Confront America’s Past (and Each Other),” by Mark C. Carnes, ed.

"What is your favorite biography/autobiography?"

Eh. From what I can see from where I sit, “Man of the House” by Tip O’Neill and “Pepper” by Claude Denson Pepper and “Counsel to the President” by Clark Clifford. From memory: “Man in Black,” by Johnny Cash, and “Coal Miner’s Daughter,” by Loretta Lynn.

"What is the greatest political tome you've ever read, fiction or nonfiction?"

“Uncle Tom’s Cabin: Or, Life Among the Lowly,” by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Still incredible, still relevant, still bright. Read this and you will learn way much about the origins of how blacks and whites get along, and don’t.

"What book have you had the longest, that you still read?"

“A Christmas Carol,” by Charles Dickens, and “The Complete Works of Shakespeare,” by William Shakespeare.

"What's the greatest spiritual book you've read?"

“The Great Divorce,” by C.S. Lewis.

"What book do you turn to when you're feeling down?"

Any of a bunch of “Zits” books or “Foxtrot” books we have in the bathrooms.

"If you could force everyone to sit down and read one book, what would it be?"

Any well-written book of history -- narrative, but scholarly -- to show that history is only boring when taught by boring teachers.

"What reference volume do you turn to the most?"

Aside from Google, “The Chicago Manual of Style: The Essential Guide for Writers, Editors, and Publishers,”14th ed.; “A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing); and “The Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law.”

"How often do you and your pals sit around and talk about books?"

Often. I almost ALWAYS have a book in my hand or close by, a habit picked up in grad school -– and because my “to-read” stack is literally nine grocery sacks full of books right here in my home-office floor. And yet I keep buyin' the damn things.

"Name your favorite comic book/graphic novel."

“Iron Man.”


You waffled on #7. Answer the damn question.
I was tired and distracted.

No. 7: "The Great Divorce," by C.S. Lewis.

Ask me tomorrow, and I might have a different answer.
I liked "Iron Man' way back 'cause I thought his outfit was cool. I rediscovered him a couple of years ago. ... I think he is a very "human" superhero, which is why I like him. Um, did you know that he is an alcoholic? Don't get much more human that that.
I guess I like my superheroes to be ... believeable. :-)
Thanks for the answers. They were good questions, I think.
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