Friday, July 15, 2005


Neigh means neigh!

But fer a few pounds of oats and a bucket-size whiskey-sour or two, this man might be walkin' the earth today. He apparently didn't know woo from Shinola.


By Jennifer Sullivan
Seattle Times staff reporter

King County sheriff's detectives are investigating the owners of an Enumclaw-area farm after a Seattle man died from injuries sustained while having sex with a horse boarded on the property.

Read all about it if you dare.


And now, E.R., just HOW did you come across this story??
Refresh and see the new headline!
Oh, how'd I come across it? This whipped through the newsroom so fast I dang near missed it!
Dr. ER pointes out that the punny headline would be better thus: "Neigh means nay!" Smart gal, Dr. ER is.
Beastiality is not a crime in Washington State?
That explains a lot...
No offense intended to all of the clean living, righteous people of Washington State...
Tug, I think the story said bestiality is not illegal in 17 states!
That reminds me of a similar story that made the pages of the Wichita Eagle-Beacon several years ago. A man had sex with a horse in the Wichita area in this case also, but in this case, the horse died! True story.
Still explains a lot, no offense to the clean living, righteous people in those states, whichever states those may be...
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