Wednesday, July 20, 2005


My country: Wrong and wrong

This is beyond outrageous, of course -- and it's why they will pry my cold dead fingers from my guns. I will at least take some jackbooted government thug with me.


From The Associated Press

RICHMOND, Va. - The lawyer for an American citizen accused of being involved in a “dirty bomb” plot told appeals court judges Tuesday that his client shouldn’t be held indefinitely without charges. But a government attorney said the president must have the authority to protect U.S. citizens.

Read all about it.

And I just got into with a lefty over at Bitch's place about the difference in the way citizens and the enemy should be treated in war time. This reminds me why it scares me to death to have so much power in the hands of one party in this country.

You know how to vote. Hold your nose if you have to. Don't forget: The ass you save might be your own.


You know, I think I owe you an apology for not having backed you up a bit in that thread. I don't agree that non-citizens have no rights--I do think that international law and the Geneva Conventions can and do apply, and that it's very important to retain those (dude, my husband served for 12 years--I am ALL ABOUT the Geneva Conventions)--but the distinction you were making about the rights of citizens and the rights of non-citizens was one I agree with. Sadly, I was busy arguing about something with some other people in some other thread. All those damn hits from that nanny post have been bringing the trolls out in force.

Anyway, sorry I didn't have your back on that one. :(
Ah, fine points and nuances of right, wrong and the law always get lost when emotional people start lobbing emotion-laden bombs. And hey, I've been so buisy with life I *forgot* about Hamdi and this guy.
The press is accountable -- to readers and viewers, and increasingly, bloggers.

Koresh's rights and the government's excesses WERE pretty well revealed when it all happened, so I don't understand yer concern now. I mean, it sucked. But it's not like any of it was kept secret.
Actually, Having just been involved in an argument on another blog as to the interpretation of the 14th amendment, Let me point out that the 14th amendment huarantees the right of life, liberty and property to all people that are citizens of the United States. There is no provision there for non citizens. I am not saying that's right ot wrong, but that is what our constitution says. (I don't think I have to explain my point of view on this)
Timmy, I don't see it that way. One, nobody foresaw the fire -- nobody. It's not like they meant to burn the place down with all those peopel in theere. But, it did happen.

Maybe the Repubs didn't make real hay of it then because they were so blinded by their hatred for Reno's boss and (mostly) imagined offenses that they could not be distracted by a little thing like an actual tragedy in Waco.
Reno was scary, but at least the press could report on what she was doing. Ashcroft was scarier because he had the Patriot Act and the Bush cult of secrecy, which means that while we've luckily found a few items that the Brandon Mayfield case and the 70 men held since 2001 as "mateiral witnesses", we still don't really know what he did.
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