Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Liberal season

Thanks to Kiki for bringing this post on "The Hunting of the Liberals" to our attention.

Free speech extends to your bumper. But I'm pretty sure I might, like our president, use the threat of violence as an excuse to take the battle directly to the enemy.

A little-known variation of the Redneck He Needed Killin' Law is the That Vehicle Needs Keyed Regulation, and the That Tire Needs Flattened Rule.

And I don't think I'm kidding. I'm not too "liberal" to commit a well-placed act of minor vandalism. This comes damn close to shoutin' "Fire!" in a theater. Mean-spirited bastards.


I agree, ER, the elimination of mean spiritedness has been a crusade of mine for as long as i can remember. There is no reason to be nasty just because sides don't agree on something. I hope I don't come across as mean spirited when I am comparing Libs and Cons.

As for the rest of the post, where the writer comments on Karl Roves comments. I don't understand why the writer is objecting. The statements are true for the most part. There is plenty of evidence to back them up.
I absolutely deny that this assertion by Rove is true:

"Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 in the attacks and prepared for war; liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers."

Some crazies on the left -- which is NOT "liberals" -- immediately said this country deserved to be attacked.

Most garden-variety liberals, after getting over the initial shock, did wonder whether this country should reexamine some of its policies.

I'd say most liberals were saddened and incensed to see this administration piss away the good will that most of the world sent our way in the weeks after 9/11.

I mean, I agree with others that if the only time the world is on our side is when we're on our knees, then screw the rest of the world. But the whole damn thing could've, and should've, been handled better.

But what Rove said in the above is just great propaganda. Rove is a student of history. That's why he is able to so deftly use the language so dishonestly yet so effectively.

One wonders, however, if has any chefly attributes -- that is, does he know when his goose is cooked?
Cool bumper sticker just seen recently (and I can't stand NASCAR): I'm not speedin', I'm qualifyin'!

Another seen months ago (And I still hate NASCAR): I ain't tailgaitin', I'm draftin'!

Is that liberal enough for this section?
ER, don't you think we should wait until the grand jury determines whether or not there has even been a crime committed before we make any pronouncements on the state of Karl Rove's goose?
I mean, shouldn't we let the inspectors do their job?
Speaking of geese, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. If nothing else, both sides are guilty. The Left just interrupts you while telling you not to interrupt them.
Thanks, anonymous. God knows that people who Bill O'Reilly disagrees with often finish their sentences on his show.
And yes-this is something I was wondering about several posts back ("The Great Divide") on my thing: how come I never see t-shirts on any of my friends that read "Imagine a world without conservatives"? There is a conversant shirt on the con side, though, and I think they mean it.
Funny thing is, most liberals aren't a threat to anyone at all, which is why anyone wanting to eliminate them is sad, silly, scary, pathetic, pointless...And entirely in the thrall of a bunch of jackasses entirely interested in their own short-term political and economic profit, who don't want a massacre per se, but seem to be okay with it if it happens.
Tug, I am willing to give Karl Rove precisely the benefit of the doubt that the Right gave Bill Clinton. Hell, no, I'm not gonna wait for a grand jury! This is politics, we're talkin' about.

Yeah, yeah, the judicial system, I guess, will decide whether he's "guilty." Politically, I think he has served his purpose and if the president has any sense he will nip this in the bud, like, today, 'cause the Dems smell blood and are gonna take somebody out and it might as well be Rove. Laura, come home and talk sense to your husband.
Teditor, Don't forget the racecar driver man whose name alone on a sticker makes people laugh, or blush:

Dick Trickle.

I just checked up on him. He lost his Winston -- ah, Nextel -- Cup ride, but is still alive and well, at 64 years, racin' dirt tracks in the Carolinas and elsewhere.
Here's a fair analysis on the Rove sitcheeation, from the San Fran Chronicle today:
Welcome, EC. Come back anytime.
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