Monday, July 25, 2005


Everybody look at Jane!

From the Telegraph, in London:

Jane Fonda is returning to anti-war activism and embarking on a cross-country tour to call for an end to US military operations in Iraq.

Read all about it.

If I WERE against the war, I'd be appalled. My God. She has no idea how much damage she is doing to the cause she espouses.

She doesn't know to stay sat down and shut up? Bull. I think she's got video sales of her latest flick in mind. That, or she is really totally deluded.

And I don't have any personal bile involved. I was 8 when "Hanoi Jane" made headlines. I just think she's so full of herself she doesn't see the fact she is speaking out will do more damage than good to her cause.


Damage to her cause? Tell that to Martin Luther King Jr., who refused white newspaper columnists' advice in the 1960s to sit down and be a good boy. They tried to tell him how his publicity-seeking parades were only counterproductive, but the jerk wouldn't listen. How does it feel to be in their company, ER?

There are a few soldiers out there who believe in the idea of fighting for real freedom of expression -- fighting for those people who burn the flag because elected officials' laws are spitting on everything it represents; who believe in fighting for those protesting against lives lost in a futile and counterproductive war.

Republicans go blah, blah, blah about feeling the same way: That is, "I don't believe in what you're saying, but I'll fight to my dying breath for your right to say it." But who the hell really does that? It ain't Republicans.
I think that comparing Hanoi Jane to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. is a bit of a stretch...
Anonymous, you really need to try to get your hatred for Republicans under control. It undermines any valid point you may make...
We are all friends here, just having a discussion...
It's more than a stretch, Tug. It's an insult to the memory of the Rev. Dr. King.

I b'lieve MLK fought the ills of his country from within, did he not? ...

Oh, forget it. That comparison was just stupid and doesn't deserve to be dignified with a response.
ER, At last you and I agree on something. I was going to make "Hussein Jane" the subject of my post today but decided that responding to you took precedence.
Congratulations! You are more important to me than Jane Fonda.

A few years ago, shortly after she and Ted split up, she announced that she had converted to Christianity. Now, I don't want to say she did or she didn't. That is between her and her creator,
But if I can be allowed a leap in logic, I would say that she aint a Christian anymore, if she ever really was.
By the way, the beginning of her tour curiously coincides with the release of her book in paperback.
Mark, that remark about her Christianity is preposterous.

If she is sincere, it could very well be her Christianity that is driving her. I just find it hard to believe she's sincere. But that has zilch to do with what wonders God may or may not have worked in her heart.
The problem with the comparison of Jane to MLK, besides the obvious, is that perhaps her past "anti-war protests" of Vietnam and all that she did in the "name of peace" is forgotten. That's what will hurt her "new cause." It ruins her credibility. As for her Christianity...we need to hide and watch. See what she says and does. Let's see what she does in this "post-conversion protest." But remember, all Christians are sinners...and some need to sell books too. :)
You are right, ER, like i say, that is between her and her Creator.
My leap of logic hinges on what Jesus once said. "He who is not with me is against me."
Jane supported the wrong side in Vietnam and while I don't know if she will support the wrong side this time, if she does, it would indicate she aint necessarily Christian.
Dude, Mark. Yer still off base.
Yer assuming that God is on "our" side. Of course, I don't believe God cares much for nation-states, one way or another. He deals with people.

Again, a lot of Christians are opposed to this war. Others are opposed to all war. To deny this is nuts.

Ergo, what Jane Fonda, or anyone, says or does in support, or in protest, of this war, or any other, says NOTHING about whether s/he is a Christian. Nada.
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