Monday, July 18, 2005


Dubya a man of his word?

Bush changes his tune.

Damn straight I'm strainin' at this gnat. All we have is the words we say to one another and whether we remain willing to back them up when it gets hot. And somebody needs to get out of the kitchen.

I guess it depends on what your definition of "fire" is.

Ooh, ooh, I got another one: "I did not promise to end my employical relations with that man, Karl Rove."


By Pete Yost
The Associated Press

President Bush said Monday that if anyone in his administration committed a crime in connection with the public leak of the identity of an undercover CIA operative, that person will "no longer work in my administration." ...

Bush said in June 2004 that he would fire anyone in his administration shown to have leaked information that exposed the identity of Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame. On Monday, however, he added the qualifier that it would have be shown that a crime was committed.

Read all about it.

That's called bein' a real chickenshit in Bush Country.

Hey hey, ho ho, Karl Rogue has got to go!


Sorry ER, you missed an important point in that story:

President Bush said Monday that if anyone in his administration committed a crime in connection with the public leak of the identity of an undercover CIA operative

The key word here is "undercover" Valerie Plame was not an undercover operative when she was supposedly "outed", and had not been for 9 years.

She was well known in Washington by all her friends and neighbors as an employee of the CIA. How do you out someone who has already outed herself?
isn't the key word "leaked"?

And, while there are a couple dozen people who read or know about this blog who know who I am, that's by my personal decision, I would consider a "leak" by any one of them to be a violation of a trust -- whether implicit or explicit. So, even if the object of all this discussion revealed herself, first, it was up to her to make the decision, don'tcha think?

But the questions are these: What dfoes the law say? Was the law followed? Period.

There was NO wiggle room left for my man, the Man from Hope. Ergo, there will never, EVER be a smidgen of room left for y'allses' side. EVER.
No, ER, the Key word is "CRIME". Once again, to Quote the President when he Quoted ME (I'm Convinced that both he and Rush Limbaugh are reading my blog)..."WE DON"T HAVE ALL OF THE FACTS YET." We must be very careful drawing any conclusions at this point.(No matter WHAT I wrote in my blog last weekend...)
ER, This is a classic case of the size of the target outweighing the nature of the evidence...
" Q Given -- given recent developments in the CIA leak case, particularly Vice President Cheney's discussions with the investigators, do you still stand by what you said several months ago, a suggestion that it might be difficult to identify anybody who leaked the agent's name?

THE PRESIDENT: That's up to --

Q And, and, do you stand by your pledge to fire anyone found to have done so?


Link here.

The fact is, the president said he would fire anyone found to have leaked. Rove leaked. If he doesn't fire Rove, he's a liar.

Call it what you will, but the hairsplitting going on now is as bad as Clinton's hairsplitting over what "is is" or how to define sex. And this is a matter of national security.
There was no leak. There is a post by Mary, over at freedom eden, that has a link to the actual brief filed in court by 36 news orginazations in behalf of Cooper and Miller, wherein the Media admits that they know that Plame was outed by the CIA, and Valerie Plame themselves a full 7 years before the Novak story came out. I ask again, How does one leak a story that is already a matter of public record? I have linked to May's blog over at my place.
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