Sunday, July 10, 2005


Book meme!

Pecheur tagged me!

How many books have I owned?

I’m guessing 1,200 or more. I can count on both hands the books I’ve acquired and later gotten rid of. One was my intermediate college algebra book. I had to attempt the class three times before I pulled a C. It died in a fire on a sandy spot in the Arkansas River bottoms. I’m pretty sure beer and urine were involved.

What was the last book you bought?

”Homegrown Democrat,” by Garrison Keillor, of NPR’s “Prairie Home Companion.” Friday night. Like a breath of fresh air.

What was the last book you read?

I finished three books Thursday.

A. “Break Blow Burn: Camille Paglia Reads Forty-Three of the World’s Best Poems,” by Camille Paglia.
B. “The Comanches, Lords of the South Plains,” by Ernest Wallace and E. Adamson Hoebel.
C. “The Myth of Santa Fe: Creating a Modern Regional Tradition,” by Chris Wilson.

What are FIVE (or more) books that have meant a lot to you.

In random order:
A. The Holy Bible.
B. “The Pilgrim’s Regress,” by C.S. Lewis.
C. “The Great Divorce,” by C.S. Lewis.
D. “Mere Christianity,” by C.S. Lewis.
E. “Eternity in Their Hearts,” by Don Richardson.
F. “The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution,” by Bernard Bailyn.
G. “American Economic History,” by Jonathan Hughes.
H. “Economics in Perspective: A Critical History,” by John Kenneth Galbraith.
I. “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance,” by Robert M. Persig.
J. “The Tao of Pooh,” by Benjamin Hoff.
K. “The Butter Battle Book,” by Dr. Seuss.
L. “In His Steps,” by Charles M. Sheldon.
M. “The Late Great Planet Earth,” by Hal Lindsay.
N. “Alas, Babylon,” by Pat Frank.
And others.

Tag some people who haven't played yet (and if ya have, and it's been awhile, go ahead and humor me!):

Dr. ER
Rich bachelor
Bitch, Ph.D.


Forgot one.

O. "Uncle Tom's Cabin: Or, Life Among the Lowly," by Harriet Beecher Stowe.

Nick, sounds interesting. Feel free to tell me the highlights when yer done. My to-read stack is Out Of Hand.
ER, I don't know if Pecheur left this out or if he is on a different tagline than me, but my question about 5 books said Fiction. otherwise I would have made the Bible my first choice.
Mine are up -- I suspect I have five fiction titles in my list of 10 overall (maybe just four) but mine are up.
Nope. I changed it to suit me. Fiction-schmiction. :-)
ER, I like Garrison Keillor too. I also like Robert Byrd. One can be conservative and like liberals. So sue me.
And I like Rush L. And Paul Harvey.
A few notches up on the cool meter for Letter I.
Awww, I'm flattered.
Thanks bub! As always you never cease to amaze me.
E.R. that may be the greatest list of literature that I have ever seen compiled.
You are truly one of my heros.
That reminds me. In Wichita Falls, Texas, which is just south of the Red River from southwest Oklahoma for all y'all furriners, is a state highway sign on Interstate 44 that says "Tourist Information. Free Literature. 4 miles."

I've always wanted to go marchin' right in the joint and say, "Y'all got any Kipling? Dickens?"
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