Friday, May 27, 2005


Rabbit food improvement

You know, if somebody'd come up with a barbecue sauce-flavored salad dressing, I might eat more salad.


This is Oklahoma -- surely SOMEONE has.

Or...hmmm...maybe if you added a little smoke flavoring to a Russian dressing?
Funny you should mention this -- really!

I was putting some Safeway Select sun-dried tomato and garlic salad dressing on my salad in the office kitchenette yesterday, and somebody with an upturned nose asked me (accusingly, I might add), "Is that BARbecue sauce??"

Caveat: This particular bottle had been sitting (unopened) on a shelf for a couple of years, so the color may have matured. It still tastes like sun-dried tomato and garlic, but with the chicken I cut up on top of the rabbit food, I smiled all the way thru lunch thinking about my bbq chicken salad!!
So what's to stop you from actually putting BBQ sauce on a salad? Maybe thin it a little with something and it might just be what you're looking for. :)
This reminds me that, in our former lives in Texas, I once had to set Nick straight on the difference in "grilling" and "barbecue." Poor Yankee friend thought hamburgers and hotdogs, if they came off'n a grill, were "barbecue." He thought that to grill was "to barbecue." He mighta even spelt it with the offending "Q." :-)

Barbecue, by the way, is nonpartisan and apolitical, although some crazy-lefty PETA types might disagree. I've always been partial, actually, to the other PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals.
Sorry about using that "Q." I'm a former medical assistant and secretary that used speedwriting--both fields that use a lot of abbreviations. I still abbreviate whenever possible. :)
Actually, if you mix about 2 parts Ranch dressing with 1 part barbecue sauce, it makes a pretty darn good dipping sauce for either meat or veggies. Adding a bit of water would make it more pourable, and so easier to use as a salad dressing.

This is really just a variation on fry sauce (a mix of mayonaise and ketchup).
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