Saturday, May 21, 2005


The livelong day

Mowed, check.

Pulled weeds in front, check.

Edged front sidewalk, check (with a "manual" half-moon edger, thank-

Roundupped brick patio-turned-prairie reserve, check.

Swept everything outside, check.

Watered everything thoroughoy, check.

Got all my laundry caught up, check.

Grilled weinies, check.

Consumed tres cervezas, checko.

Consumed two hotdogs, check.

Fed the always-hungry Bird.

Ate half an icebox watermelon, check.

Read some of "The Galvanized Yankees," check.

Caught the tail end of the NASCAR race formerly known as The Winston, on TV, check.

Pretty dadgum productive day, all told :-) Dr. ER and Bird were both gone for most of it. It was just me and the dogs, mostly.

Now, tomorrow, mebbe I can get some of these here thinkin' projects done before I go into work to catch up from unexpected crap that cheated me out of a normal Friday.


P.S. Boy, if THIS ain't the bottom of the blog. I did a few other normal, mundane things, too! :-)

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