Wednesday, May 25, 2005


How queer to have gay old time

By The Erudite Redneck

I just want it noted for the record that I have had three brushes with homosexuality this week, and not once was my heterosexual marriage, or anyone else's as far as I can tell, threatened thereby.

Talked to one gay guy by e-mail yesterday in the course of work. No threat.

Talked to another gay guy day before yesterday in the course of work. No threat.

Overheard someone at the State Capitol today make reference to a conversation she had had recently with a gay guy. No threat.

Also, for the record:

I have had my eyes peeled this week for threats to the body politic by raging sin and specific threats to my Christian faith, and have failed to encounter any at all, save an over-wrought radio commercial promo'ing some local TV "expose" on how "sin comes out at night."

Well, no shit. Stop the presses.

The Oklahoma House of Representatives started bidness this morning with a short preachin' and a prayer, lifted up in the name of Jesus Christ Almighty, Hisself. I was there. And all the people said, "Amen."

All of which is to say:

I think the premise that most of the Rabid Right uses to justify attempts to reduce the freedoms we enjoy in this country -- that things are "worse than ever" -- are attempts to dupe the not-so-erudite amongst us into giving them carte-blanche to tell the rest of us where to head in at, morally. Just read some history.

They're selling snake oil in rhetorical bottles with labels bearing Jesus' stolen image. They should be ashamed of themselves.

For the most part, you still have to go looking for sin. At least around Oklahoma this week.

So shut up about how "bad" the world is, because it has sucked since The Fall, and get on preaching the goodness of Kingdom Come, please.

Or, just shut up.

Just preach Christ Jesus, and Him crucifed, And risen. And let the Lord sort it out.

Or, just shut up.


How we s'posed to comment when you keep telling us to shut up? Hmph.
Hey, ER, you tol' me you was gonna write something on Miss Piggy. Welp, sir, I'm a waitin'.
Dr. ER, perhaps I buried my lede. My point, which admittedly was a little rambling and repetitive, was: "I think the premise that most of the Rabid Right uses to justify attempts to reduce the freedoms we enjoy in this country -- that things are 'worse than ever' -- are attempts to dupe the not-so-erudite amongst us into giving them carte-blanche to tell the rest of us where to head in at, morally. Just read some history."

Nick, Telling someone to shut up, and using the power of government to shut him up, are two totally different things. In the marketplace of ideas, one does not always get a hearing, just like in an actual marketplace, one does not always find a buyer. Sometimes you get shouted down. That ain't censorship. Sometimes it's a crowd's collective bullshit detector goin' off. I'm reading that book (Minnery book in list to left). And this post is one product of it.

Trixie, Unless you are a rabid right winger, these here comments ain't directed at you.

Teditor, I have plumb forgot what I was a-gonna say about Miss Piggy. Other than she has a gorgeous set of hams.
Nicky! Chill. You sassed me for tellin' people to shut up -- and you brought up the First Amendment. That same dang amendment is what allows me to tell people to shut up, so I don't understand yer point.

As for the other stuff in yer late comment, it requires more thought than I'm willin' to give it right now. Maybe over the weekend. I have a short work day ahead (if my luck holds out), and some chunks of cowflesh to grill this evening for a supper guest (if the rain lets up), and I ain't-a gonna let this derail my day. :-)

Oh, but I can't resist this, re: the Senate compromise. I was within eyeshot of a New York Times the day after the deal. One of the subheds said something like "Mavericks, Moderates, Senior Statesmen ..." forge the deal, or something like that. Well, thank God for moderates, mavericks and senior statesmen!

Y'all think Lindsey Graham is a turntail. Ha. He's a true conservative, at least in this case, and, more importantly, he seems to know the Senate itself is more important than the passing issues of the day.

And yes, I recall how he hounded our Bubba. I thought he was doing his duty then, too.
At one time, Nick, a majority of the people didn't think blacks, Indians and women should have rights. At one time, the majority thought whites shouldn't marry blacks and Indians. There are still people who think that. The majority is not always right. Sometimes the majority is completely wrong. As for banning gay marriage to defend marriage --- Do you think gays can mess it up any worse that what straights have done?

Your Bible says divorce is a sin, but a lot of Christians divorce. Your Bible says women should be silent in church, but a lot of women preach. Your Bible says to not worship idols, but a lot of Christians worship money, sports, and TV. Is the only reason Christians are against gays is because it isn't their sin?

As for it being against nature, scientists see homosexual behavior in many species, including apes, dogs, cats, horses, cattle, dolphins, and whales.

As a gay man, I'm not ashamed. I'm not afraid to defend my rights. I'm as good as you are and deserve the right to marry whom I choose.

Lastly, is love bound only to gender? Your Bible says there is no marriage in heaven. Do you think you will keep the same plumbing after you die? Do you really think your God cares so much about something that will only affect your life for a few years compared to eternity? Why should he care so much about one sin and not the other? Why don't the evanglical Christians remove the beam from their eyes before they go after other people's moots?
Welcome, Slym.
Gosh, I thought Lindsey Graham WAS gay!
I think some misguided people want to worry about what they perceive as other people's sins so they don't have to worry about their own.

Unfortunately, these folks give my religion a bad name and actively discourage people who are, in their eyes, "not the right sort" -- I've always believed Christianity should be inclusive, not exclusive.

It's all I can do to take care of my OWN soul.

Telling people to shut up is not the same thing as MAKING them shut up. Silence can be construed as agreement, after all.
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