Saturday, May 28, 2005


Dang it! Reined in!

Crap! Digital channels out on cable! Meadow muffins! No fixin' it until Thursday! Horse puckey! Long Memorial Day weekend without Western Channels! Cow pies! Oh, the humanity! Pasture samples!


Dr. ER and Bird and I were fixin' to take a fambly trip to the Oklahoma City Museum of Art, when Bird got called into work at American Eagle. Such is life, Bird! So me and the doc are fixin' to head on down by our selves.

Then, to Epperson Photo & Video, where She Who Is will feed her photography habit and I will get off on the chemical smells.

Genuine photo shops smell a lot like old newsrooms with real back shops next door used to smell. Bein' a relative youngster, I barely caught the tail end of that era. But I did catch it. You know, wax machines and paste pots and such. Bein' able to smell the ink and hear the roar of the press in the next room.

Then, I WILL get some history-related researchy writin', or something, done later today. It'll be hard without the Western Channel as background noise, as is my custom.


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