Friday, May 06, 2005


Bird and beef


Woo hoo! Our Bird -- the other precious gal in my life, my redheaded redneck stepgal -- is coming home for the summer!

She came home for about three minutes the other night to swap vehicles. She has my pickup up in Stillwater for crap-haulin' purposes, and I'm stuck drivin' her teeny-tiny Mazda carlet.

Dr. ER happened to be outside when I drove home last night and she just looked at big ol' me all scrunched up inside little ol' it and LOL.

Bird has one more final, today, then will commence to packin' for real and come to the house tomorrow. I am so ready to have her around again. Baby Bird! Fixing to be a sophomore!


Dr. ER is treating me to a belated birthday steak supper tonight at my favorite eatin' joint in Oklahoma City, The Cattlemen's Restaurant out by the Stockyards.

There are lots of reasons to love the place, but near lifesize wall photos of Herefords, with a previous owner ahorse amongst 'em, sums it up.


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