Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Schiavo and the Ultimate Judge

Friend Trixie has a simmered-down and compassionate take on Terri Schiavo.


Trixie has some very good thoughts on this. If this subject ever becomes a personal issue (our own family member)in our lives we will find that we will wrestle with a multitude of "what's". What would the person in the bed want me to do? What is the medical prognosis? By the way, the Doctors will seldom tell you there is no hope or even if there is hope of recovery. What is best for the patient? What is best for the family? What is the moral right, the ethical right, the legal right, the right, the right, the right??? As a person that has had first hand experience trying to answer some of these questions, I just pray that if you are ever faced with a similar situation that you have the inner strength (or where ever your strength comes from)to find an answer that you and your family can embrace.
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