Thursday, March 24, 2005


It is called CON-gress

Sorry, but I am still so hacked off I can't stand it. If you don't like it, stay away.

From the Tampa Tribune:

WASHINGTON - The urgency in Washington last weekend wasn't just about Terri Schiavo. It also was about politics.

Perhaps my blondness is getting the better of me, but I've been all over the net looking for more on that memo. The only thing I have found is that someone said there was one. I'd really like to know more about the memo itself.

Do you have a place you can point me?
Well Folks I have to say I may be the only one here that knows exactly what Terri is going through. As one who has fasted for 7 days several times I know for a fact she is not hungry. After the second day hunger leaves and doesn't return until food is again eaten. And second, once during surgery I was given to much of one drug and not enough of another and was left unable to move or even breath but was fully awake. My lungs were burning and screaming for air but I couldn't even try to breathe. It was probably only a minute until I felt them holding my mouth open and inserting the breathing tube, but it seemed like forever. I would rather die than be in that state for 15 minutes let alone 15 years. So if she is in there, God help her get to the other side.
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