Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Worms! Worms for supper!

Trixie and I agree: If the comments on our blogs don't pick up soon (we are major ho's that way), we're gonna go eat worms!

Worms, I tell ya!

Just so's you don't think we're joshing, here's a recipe!


That's right. And I prefer my worms dipped in almond bark. Reminds me ... one time, when I was teaching a children's choir, I made them a cake. I made a big, elaborate apology for dropping it on the way into the building and said I hope they didn't mind too much. Then I unveiled it -- a chocolate cake topped with crushed chocolate cookies and gummy worms. Yep, I caught a few who thought it was real dirt.
Hey, I've only known about you for a week or so. I'm doing my best. By the way, thanks for all your input over at my place. It really livens up the joint. Also, I think Eddie Sutton's got your Cowpokes in good position to win the whole enchilada this year. I'd be happier for you if I weren't such a Kentucky fan. 16 years after he landed us on probation, and it's still hard for us to wish him well. But my philosophy remains, trite as it is, anybody but Duke.
Man, what a crybaby.

There's a reason I ain't got no blog: I don't always have somethin' to write. Don't mean I don't read.
Corndog: "Also, I think Eddie Sutton's got your Cowpokes in good position to win the whole enchilada this year." NOT. Sigh.
Makes me want to not comment so that you're eat worms! But I hear they're not bad if you fry them in batter. Of course, that's not saying much. Probably old tires would be good dipped and fried in batter!
Great way to get "holier than thou"!!

You and Martin Luther and the Diet of Worms.... http://www.luther.de/en/worms.html.
!!! Ol' ER studied the Diet of Worms last semester in that godawful Reformation class!
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