Saturday, February 05, 2005


To edit the Great American Novel

Lots to do today. No time for me to be creative, so y'all enjoy the link to The Onion. If your inner child is a writer or copyeditor -- or if you are a writer or copyeditor -- you will LOL.

You think that's funny? That's not funny, No sir, not f-u-n-n-y at all! Why, you only WISH you could fulfill the obligations of a copy editor. You couldn't fill the SHOES of a copy editor! I'll have you know I am a card carrying member of the PFSOP* guild. And I question the "copy editor" in The Onion. She claims to use a green pencil. HA! Error in fact! Everyone KNOWS we used blue pencils until computers came along in 1977. FAKE! The poser needs to do her research if she wants to scam ME!

*PFSOP = Picker of Fly Specks Out of Pepper.
BTW, please be kind while editing my story today. I know you can do it. :) Thanks!
LOLOLOL. Ha ha hoo ho hee hee, ha ha --(gasp -- ha!
Copy editor is two words. :-)

ER and I once had an editor who described me as a talented copy editor. To which ol' ER replied to me, "Must mean you're one anal-retentive sumbitch." That's putting it lightly, ER.

My editing instructor in college told us early on that his goal in teaching good copy editing was for us cringe when we saw an apostrophe or comma out of place in a billboard. Danged if he didn't follow through.
Don't you just hate that kind of brainwashing? Me too.
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