Thursday, February 24, 2005


A civil yet sincere note to the former blog, now a full-fledged Web site, known as "yoco:: College Basketball"

Dude, I think you've done went and got too big for yer bloggin' britches. You want to have a Web page, cool. But it ain't a blog.

Don't make me register -- and I don't give a damn whether I can make up a name or not. Don't make me lie, 'cause I don't.

Make it easy for me to look, storm around the joint, and leave a comment, and sign my handle if I want, or not.

Drop the Erudite Redneck if you must. Yer original URL remains linked to my blog, and will as long as the redirect function works.

Ya caught me in a mood. I'll keep comin' around, but you might not hear from me -- unless you or somebody goes to seriously badmouthin' my Oklahoma State (Cow)Boys.

Of course, my blood pressure might go down some.


No offense intended, Sir.


P.S. In my wildest bloggin' dreams, some syndicate would pick up this here blog and turn it profitable -- or least create that possibility. But I wouldn't jumble it up so dang much and keep pretendin' it was just lil ol' ER puttin' put out a lil ol' blog.

P.P.S. Anybody who knows me knows ol' ER hates change, if it comes too much too fast. Friend, you changed too much, too fast.


P.P.P.S Oh yeah. Yoco's site, like mine, is free to take or leave as is. Ol' ER knows that. But College Basketball appears to be goin' real commercial -- and that's great. But that makes me a consumer of it, not just a passer-by, and I'm just expressin' my consumer tastes and preferences.

I noticed your blog when I was running a Technorati search. If you're interested in college hoops blogging I'd like to think we've got a pretty good thing going at the BasketBlog.

Please feel free to check us out. We've done a couple of roundups of blogospheric reaction to the NCAA Tourney. Here's the second Carnival of the Hoopsters.

We'd love to have you stop by.

Best regards,
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