Friday, January 14, 2005


Sequoyah County Times

Hot diggity. A work-related to-do tonight allowed me the mornin' to just sorter stroll into the day.

Read a little GWTW. (Ah am, Ah say, Ah am ASHAMED to admit I've nevah read it befoah).

Read a little Cicero, in a small book given to me as a graduation gift by a dear, dear friend: Cicero's Old Age and Friendship (Philadelphia: David McKay, 1896).

(The ONLY such gift, Bird! Bird, my Redheaded Redneck Stepchild, now a freshman at Oklahoma State, insisted that I delay finishing my dang master's by a semester because she didn't want me doin' that and her graduatin' high school at the same time. "But you'll get all the presents!" a 15-year-old Bird whined almost four years ago, plannin' ahead. NOT.)

Read my home county paper, the Sequoyah County Times. I am biased, but I b'lieve it to be one of the best twice-a-week county papers in the country. Check it out by clicking on the link above or at left.


I've never quite forgiven SCT for not hiring me many years ago. I wanted to write a humor column for them. They were not interested. :( In fact, their editor at the time told me that I had "no talent for humor." That was pretty discouraging. It's been a good 20 years, but I still remember his face as he said it. I wonder if they've found his body yet ... never read GWTW?? Wow, it's like I don't even know you. :)
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