Wednesday, January 05, 2005


Mama ER speaks

Mama ER is my own mama, not to be confused with Dr. ER, who is She Who Is My Wife. Mama ER, who is 82, weighed in, as only my plain-spoken mama can, on the recent saga with Bird.

ER: "Guess what (Bird's) got?"
Mama ER: "What's that?"
ER: "A tattoo."
Mama ER: (laughs and hoots and hollers)
ER: "Yep."
Mama ER: "Well, what is it?"
ER: "It's a little bumblebee, on her ankle."
Mama ER: "Well at least she didn't get one put on her forehead."
ER: "Well, yeah."
Mama ER: "At least she didn't get one put on her breast or butt."
ER: "Not that we know of!"
Mama ER and ER: (laugh and hoot and holler)
Mama ER: "Now, if she comes home with a ring in her nose that'll be too much."
ER: "Yep, for sure."
Mama ER: "You be sweet to her."
ER: "I am, Mama."

:-) Bird comes home with a ring in her dang nose and they will have to just load me up and take me to Vinita.*

*Vinita, site of an Oklahoma state mental hospital. A Texan might say ... "take me to Terrell," or "take me to Vernon," site of same; the funny farm

Wouldn't the correct phrase be: "Take me BACK to Vinita." I mean, if you ain't been half looney all this time, I don't know what I'd call ya.

Just kiddin', ER.

Sure seems it might be a sad day in the state of Oklahoma. Buncha bandwagoners will be driving around with their car flags at half mast. :-)
I'm thinkin' of havin' a poster made of the main sports page of today's Oklahoma City paper: It says:
With the period even!
It is the coolest sports page I've seen this season.
Yeah, I thought the period was a nice touch. It was symbolic of the game, but it was subtle, too.

After watching one of the news types come over last night telling us he had planned to do his exercises all evening by raising his hands into the air to signal touchdown, I wondered if he followed through on his plan each time the Trojans scored.

Or did he just get smacked in the face like he's done to those non-Sooners types in the office all season? Yeah, I wish I'd had a video of him watching last night's game just to preserve for when he becomes arrogant again. :-)

Guys like him are why many people don't like OU. Truth be told, watching OU is watching good football. But it's hard to enjoy with them yahoos running around.
Sheesh. Even without names I know who you're talkin' about. Some things never change.
Your Mama ER sounds funny and wise!
I know for a fact mama Er is very sweet,
funny and wise. She also makes the best
you ever ate pecan pie..She is my role
model. If I can come off any were as
good a mama as her I have done something
I remember that pecan pie, too! And the meatloaf that should have had a french name because it was so good. Tell your mama I said hi and I hope she's doing well.
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