Thursday, December 16, 2004



By popular request, here are several pictures of me in my smarty pants. Click on the link above, where it says "Yow!" I posed for these recently as part of a "retro" feature. ;-)

You got me. I wish we had smilies on Blogger -- this is one of those times I really need a bug-eyed smily.
Is it just me, or is there a distinct LACK of pants here?
Now that's funny raht thar.
You know, there was a lack of pants.
But there was also a lack of race cars.
I am concerned he was wearing someone
else's underware..But they did look
pretty darn good.
ER, please take special note: That was your woman friend who wrote that previous comment, not one of us fellas.

I'm thinkin' Yow should be replaced by Ow again.
I have to agree with Jeanne, there was definitely a lack of pants, and race cars, but who cares? All that book liftin' seems to be working out for you.
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