Saturday, October 02, 2004


Redneck beat

By The Erudite Redneck

Warning: F-word ahead, in implied quotation. If you can't handle it, just move along.
For great photos and an intriguing post, go to
For what you get when an erudite redneck is on the verge of mental collapse, read on. :-)

Redneck Beat

Bukowski? What a shit.
What a piece of shit.
Always dark
Always so urban
Always so predictable.
What shit.

Drugs? Gin? Whores? How boring.
Look around, you prick.
Self indulgent.
Self loathing selflove.
Put “fuck” right here. “Fuck,” again.

Wallow in, wallow down.
Smoke more. Light one up.
New bottle.
Same old, old story.
Another sorry poem done.
Too long.

Interesting, really?
So many people
Worship what?
Reckless use of words
For lack of new ideas?
Shut up.

Redneck sucking too long
On a jar of ‘shine,
Cheap cigar,
can just scratch his ass,
and find more substantive truth.
You bet.


Oh Kay! If this is what you do on your weekends, maybe we should switch the calendar around....
That's sort of a parody of Charles Bukowski, a beat writer all but worshipped by neobeatnik, clove-smokin', finger-snappin' "poets." He's considered a genius, and most of his "work" is about as enlightened as this post. Which is the point. ... I must admit that I read his stuff, and react to it strongly, which is his point.
Step away from the coffeehouse bongos, Redneck. They're pounding the good sense right out of your erudite head.
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